Gov’t Committed to Providing Social Protection Program During Activity Restrictions

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Agustus 2021
Category: News
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Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto delivers a virtual press statement on public activity restriction (PPKM), Monday (30/8). (Source: Screenshot of Presidential Secretariat YouTube Channel)

The Government continues to renew its commitment to roll out social protection program (Perlinsos) for the public during the implementation of public activity restriction (PPKM), according to Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto.

“As many as 10 kilograms of rice [per family] has been fully distributed targeting 28.8 million families,” Airlangga said in a press statement on the realization of the social protection program, Monday (30/8).

The first phase of aid distribution was provided to 20 million beneficiary families (KPM) of Social Cash Assistance (BST) and the Family Hope Program (PKH). In the second phase, the aid has been received by 8.8 million beneficiary families of Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) Non-PKH.

Meanwhile, the 2021 salary/wage subsidy assistance for workers/laborers has been disbursed to 2.09 million recipients.

“For the 2021 wage subsidy assistance, Rp1 million per worker has been completed and fully disbursed to 2.09 million workers,” Airlangga said.

As of 11 August 2021, the Productive Presidential Assistance (Banpres) for Micro Businesses reached Rp14,21 trillion and was received by 11.84 million micro business players (92.52 percent of the total budget of Rp15.36 trillion).

Regarding the Pre-Employment Card Program, the nineteenth batch of Pre-Employment Card registration has been opened during the period 26 to 29 August.

On that occasion, the Minister also pointed out the realization of the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) which reached Rp340.84 trillion or 45.8 percent of the ceiling.

The realization consists of the budget for the health sector that has been realized in the amount of Rp80.48 trillion (37.4 percent), social protection at Rp102.69 trillion (55 percent), MSME assistance at Rp48.02 trillion (29.6 percent), priority programs at Rp52.90 trillion (44.9 percent), as well as business incentives at Rp56.76 trillion (90.3 percent). (FID/UN) (RIF/LW)

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