Govt Continues Fight Against Corruption, Strengthening KPK: President Jokowi

President Jokowi with several ministers at the Merdeka Palace. (Photo by: JAY/Public Relations Division)
President Joko Jokowi Widodo reiterated that the Government continues supporting efforts to fight corruption and to strengthen the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
I think I do not have to repeatedly saythat we (the Government) support the strengthening of the KPK, the President said in a special interview with state news agencyAntara to markthree years of Jokowi-JK Administration at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (16/10).
President Jokowi also revealed that in the near future the Government would issue a Presidential Regulationor a Presidential Instruction on measures to prevent corruption.
The most important thing, the President said, all ministries/government institutions and regional governmentsmust prepare e-budgeting, e-planning, and e-procurement, in line withthe recommendation given by the KPK to improve the system at ministries/government institutions and regional governments.
The President added that those systems must be appliedin three sectors, namely the management ofRegional Budget (APBD), procurement of goods and services (PBJ),and public services.
In addition, the recommendation also includes the establishment of an independent Provision Service Unit (ULP) and the establishment of a One-Stop Integrated Service (PTSP), the President said.
Those measures are preventive measures. However, regarding law enforcement, it can be through sting operations (OTT). We have the KPK. Weve also establishedthe illegal levy eradication central task forceSaber Pungli, the President added.
Nevertheless, President Jokowi admitted that fight against corruption remains an unfinished taskfor the Administration of President Jokowi,which has almost entered its fourth yearon 20 October 2017 this year. Therefore, the President said that law enforcement must be strengthened.Indeed, corruption is still our biggest enemy. It is indeed our joint task to solve this problem. I think law enforcement must bestrengthened. We must also strengthen the Saber Pungli. We also monitorsmall things,the President said.
President Jokowi previously said that in the fight against corruptionsome people are happy with it, some are not. Nevertheless, the President added, it is a joint task of the people and the Government cannot possibly workalone to fight against corruption.
The President further said that to fight corruption, anti-corruption mental must be introduced since childhood.If we do not begin (introducing ways to fight against corruption) since childhood or to the next generation, we wont make any progress (in the fight against corruption), the President said. (ES)(EP/YM/Naster)