Govt Continues to Provide Electricity Stimulus in Q2 2021
A man is performing his job as employee by the State-owned Electricity Company PT. PLN. [Photo by:Official website of PT. PLN]
According to Director General of Directorate General of Electricity of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Rida Mulyana, the Government is committed to providing electricity stimulus to ease the burden of the poor, as well as industrial and commercial sectors.
For the record, from April 2021 until January 2021, the stimulus of electricity was enjoyed by around 33 million customers with a total expense is Rp14,24 trillion. This electricity stimulus in Q2 2021 is a temporary assistance that will be enjoyed by the community from 25-50 percent of the previous stimulus.
This current policy is not without a reason.
Rida added that the community would be given a 25-50 percent of electricity stimulus, not 100 percent because of the significant improvement of the national economy.
In the meantime, a coordination meeting of three Ministers, namely Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Minister of Finance, and Minister for State-Owned Enterprises on 2 March 2021 which discussed the Electricity Subsidy Policy and the Electricity Sector Stimulus Program resulted in four conditions to provide electricity stimulus for the public.
First, a 50 percent discount on electricity bill for households of 450 VA (R1 / TR 450 VA), small businesses of 450 VA (B1 / TR 450 VA), and small industries of 450 VA (I1 / TR 450 VA).
Second, a 25 percent discount on electricity bill for subsidized 900 VA (R1 / TR 900 VA) households.
Third, a 50 percent exemption from minimum fees for the social, business, industrial, and special services customers of 1,300 VA and above.
Fourth, a 50 percent exemption from load charge or subscription fees for for social, business, industrial, and special services customers of 220 VA, 450 VA and 900 VA.
The Indonesian Government through the Letter of Energy Ministrys Director General of Directorate General of Electricity has also ordered state-owned electricity company PT PLN to provide stimulus for the electricity sector in the second quarter of 2021.
“This policy is a meaning of the serious concern and presence of the Government to the community and aims to protect industrial and commercial sectors in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that electricity could encourage the people and business actors to remain productive amid the COVID-19 pandemic,” Rida said.
The need of budget for the electricity stimulus budget until June 2021 is estimated to reach Rp6,94 trillion for 33,9 million customers. In implementing this program, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has urged PT PLN to continue to maintain efficiency of electrical use and the quality of services provided for consumers. (HUMAS KEMENTERIAN ESDM/UN) (AP/EP)