Gov’t Conveys Condolences to Police Officers Who Died While Securing Elections

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 19 April 2019
Category: News
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Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo

Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo

On behalf of the Government, Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo conveyed the message of condolences on the passing of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) officers while carrying out the task of securing the 2019 Simultaneous Elections.

“There is a grief behind the success of the 2019 Simultaneous Elections which is recorded as the largest elections in Indonesian history. At least nine police officers died during the task of securing, maintaining order of the elections,” Tjahjo Kumolo said in Jakarta, Friday (19/4).

The cause of death of those nine officers, he added, varies from illness, exhaustion, and accident.

The Minister also expressed highest appreciation for the services and dedication of those police officers. “They were the nation’s best children,” he said.

The nine police officers are:

  1. First Insp. Aiptu M. Saepudin, a police’s security and public order officer (Bhabinkamtibmas) assigned in Cilengkrang, Cileunyi District Police, died of exhaustion after guarding the distribution of ballot boxes.
  2. First Insp. Aiptu M. Supri, member of the Sidoarjo Regional Police, died while securing Polling Station 21 in Bareng Krajan Village, Krian Subdistrict,
  3. Suratno AKP, Panit II Sub-Directorate of Economy, Directorate of Security Intelligence of the East Kalimantan Regional Police, died from illness.
  4. Brigadier Prima Leion Nurman Sasono, member of the Cerme subdistrict police station, Bondowoso municipal police station, died from an accident while heading to the polling station.
  5. Police Chief Brigadier Bripka Ichwanul Muslimin, a member of the Central Lombok Municipal Police of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, died from an accident while heading to one of the police stations to attend roll call for the polling stations security.
  6. Second Insp. Aipda Stef Pekualu, Kupang Police officer, West Nusa Tenggara, died when securing the 2019 Election.
  7. Brigadier Arif Mustaqim, member of the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) of Cikarang Police Polda Metro Jaya, died when securing the 2019 Election.
  8. Brigadier Slamet Dardiri, member of the Tosari Subdistrict Police, Pasuruan Municipal Police, died from an accident during the 2019 Election security.
  9. Brigadier General Syaiful Zachri, Director of Community Potential Development, at Dirbinpotmas Police Security Maintenance Division

(Puspen Kemendagri/ES)



Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : M. Ersan Pamungkas

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