Govt Denies Rumors of Intervening KPU

Minister of State Secretary Pratikno delivers press statement at the State Palace Journalist Room, Jakarta, Friday (5/4)). (Photo by: Oji/PR)
In a bid to refute rumors that, through its letter, the Government made an intervention in the General Election Commission’s (KPU) decision, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno held a press conference at the State Palace Journalist Room, Jakarta, Friday (5/4).
The Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN Jakarta) made a request to the President to order the KPU to uphold court ruling of Oesman Sapta Odangs case that have had permanent legal force. So, the letter (the Ministers letter) was a follow-up of the Courts letter to the President, the Minister said.
For the record, the candidacy of the Hanura Party Chairman Oesman Sapta Odang for Regional Representatives Council (DPD) in the upcoming election is considered has defied a 2018 Constitutional Court ruling that bars any political party committee member from running as a DPD candidate.
He added that it is not the first time President Joko Jokowi Widodo receives a letter from PTUN Jakarta. Because PTUN Law Article 116 paragraph 6 as well as Law Number 51 of 2009 state that the Chief Justice must propose this matter to the President as the highest governmental authority to order the officials to uphold court decisions, he said.
Pratikno said that the Government has had correspondence with the KPU regarding other matters. There is nothing special in this letter. This is a normative procedure that we must follow up on, he added.
However, it was the KPU’s realm to make a decision on the case. We understand and respect the KPU as an independent institution, Pratikno concluded. (FID/EN)
Translated by: Galuh Wicaksono
Edited by: Mia Medyana