Gov’t Distributes 690,000 Protective Personal Equipment to Provinces, Cities, Regencies

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 13 April 2020
Category: News
Read: 433 Views

Standards of protective personal equipment approved by Health Ministry in the mitigation of COVID-19.

Approximately 690,000 protective personal equipment have been distributed to all provinces, regencies, and cities across Indonesia, Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo has announced.

“We will increase the number so (we can) provide protective personal equipment at hospitals in the regions. (Providing protective personal equipment) is a fundamental asset and morale support for medical staff, particularly doctors and nurses,” Doni said in an online press statement on Monday (13/4).

According to Doni, the protective personal equipment have also been distributed to a number of doctor associations.

“Thus, all doctors including those assigned in regions with COVID-19 confirmed cases can wear protective personal equipment to protect themselves,” Doni added.

The Head of BNPB also noted that the Government will boost production capacity of domestic ventilator manufacturers.

“It is because procuring ventilators from abroad will be difficult since many other countries are also in dire need of ventilators,” he said, while calling for cooperation between universities, researchers, private sectors, and the National Research and Innovation Agency to ensure the availability of ventilators. (FID/EN)



Translated by : Rany Anjany S
Reviewed by: M. Ersan Pamungkas

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