Gov’t Ensures Free Registration of Preemployment Card for Job Seekers

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 19 Juni 2021
Category: News
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Preemployment Card, also known as a yellow card. (Source:

Ministry of Manpower has confirmed that there is no cost to register a preemployment card, also known as a yellow card (AK1), for job seekers in Indonesia.

The job seeker registration service is regulated by the Regulation of Minister of Manpower No. 39 of 2016 concerning Labor Placement.

“If there are irresponsible officers who ask for illegal levies, please kindly report them to the authorities. And the officer who asked for that will be subject to strict sanctions,” Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said in his statement in Jakarta, on Saturday (19/06/2021).

For the record, demand for yellow cards has recently increased in several regions because of preparation of job seekers to apply for civil servant recruitment this year, fresh graduates who are currently looking for vacancies, and workers affected by COVID-19 pandemic.

“I order Heads of Local Manpower Office to provide high quality service to facilitate job seekers to obtain yellow cards,” Ida said.

According to the Minister, there are still illegal levies for a yellow card in some areas in Indonesia, adding that, the irresponsible officers pretend to ask for administration fee.

Ida further said that it is also obligatory for job seekers who have obtained a job to report the nearest Local Manpower Office in order to update the data that the ministry has to create other plans about manpower in Indonesia.

Job seekers who want to register can visit nearest Local Manpower Office. To obtain a yellow card, job seekers who want to apply manually can attach a copy of a valid ID card; the latest 3×4 cm color photograph (2 sheets); photocopy of the last education diploma; photocopy of Work Competency Certificate (if available); and/or photocopy of Work Experience Certificate (if available).

Job seekers can also register for the card online. They can open the official website or download SISNAKER (Manpower Information System) application on Google Playstore and simply follow the instruction on the website or application. If job seekers want to print out the card, they can directly visit the nearest Local Manpower Office after finishing the online registration. (PR of Ministry of Manpower/UN) (AP/LW)

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