Gov’t Gears Up to Improve Population Data

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 18 Juni 2020
Category: News
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Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture delivers press statement after attending a limited meeting (Photo: Documentation of Cabinet Secretariat)

COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity for the Government to complete the nation’s population data, Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy has said.

“There are still around 20 million ID numbers that have not been matched with their names. Those number will be the target for population data improvement,” the Minister said Wednesday (17/6).

According to Muhadjir, the Government will improve the data with ‘error’ status, such as poor people who are not included in the social assistance recipient list or people who should not be listed but receive the social assistance.

In addition to the existing data, he pointed out that there are new data compiled from Neighborhood Unit (RT) / Community Unit (RW) on new poor families caused by the pandemic.

Muhadjir went on to say that the Government highly depends on the updated data to distribute the social assistance; thus, data improvement is crucial.

Furthermore, the Coordinating Minister said that amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has provided assistance as a social safety net program in the form of a regular program that has been implemented before the outbreak called Family Hope Program, with the target now rising to 10 million recipients.

He also cited other social assistance programs, namely Non-cash Food Assistance for 20 million families and electricity tariff discount for 450 KV customers and 900 KV customers for as many as 31 million families.

“In addition to the regular social assistance program, during the pandemic the Government has also distributed assistance from Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Villages and regional governments whose funds are taken from the budget reallocation in the regional budget,” he said.

Through numerous social assistance programs, he added, the Government has provided social protection to around 60% of Indonesian families affected by COVID-19. (FID/EN)



Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Reviewed by: M. Ersan Pamungkas

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