Gov’t Has Allocated Rp444.131 Trillion for Education in 2018 State Budget

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 8 Januari 2018
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Rupiah-3-300x173Of the total budget of Rp2,220 trillion in the State Budget (APBN) of Fiscal Year 2018, the Government as set forth in Attachment XIX of the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 107 of 2017 on the Details of APBN of Fiscal Year 2018 has allocated Rp444.131 trillion for education.

The budget consists of: 1. Education Budget through Central Government expenditure amounting to Rp149.680 trillion; 2. Education Budget through Transfer to the Regions and Village Fund of Rp279.450 trillion; and 3. Education Budget through Financing of Rp15 trillion.

The Attachment XIX of Perpres Number 107 of 2017 signed by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 30 November 2017 reads, the Education Budget through the Central Government expenditure amounting to Rp149.680 trillion spread across 20 Ministries/Institutions is Rp145.957 trillion. Meanwhile, the remaining Rp3.723 trillion listed in the Budget Section of State Treasurer (BA-BUN).

Of the 20 Ministries/Institutions allocating the education budget, the Ministry of Religious Affairs received the highest allocation of Rp52.681 trillion, followed by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Rp40.393 trillion, and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Rp40.092 trillion.

The remaining is spread in 17 Ministries/Institutions, among others, the lowest is the Ministry of Communications and Informatics of Rp51.614 billion; the National Nuclear Power Agency (BTNN) of Rp52.800 billion; the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLH) of Rp99.297 billion; the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Rp109.756 billion; the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of Rp115 billion; the Ministry of Defense Rp173.400 billion; and the Ministry of Villages, the Development of Underdeveloped Regions, and Transmigration of Rp178.500 billion.

In addition, allocation for the National Library of Indonesia (PNRI) is Rp399.330 billion; the Ministry of Agriculture of Rp406.450 billion; the Ministry of Manpower of Rp450 billion; the Ministry of Industry Rp482.775 billion; the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Rp550 billion; the Ministry of Tourism of Rp728 billion; the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Rp1.056 trillion; the Ministry of Finance of Rp1.935 trillion; and the Ministry of Transportation of Rp4.251 trillion.

The Education Budget allocated through the Transfer to the Regions and the Village Fund consists of: 1. General Allocation Fund (DAU), which is earmarked for education budget of Rp153.222 trillion; 2. Special Transfer Funds amounting to Rp121.404 trillion; and 3. Special Autonomy (Otsus) which is earmarked for the education budget of Rp4.817 trillion.

The Special Transfer Fund of Rp121.404 trillion consists of: a. the Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for of Rp9.137 trillion; b. DAK for Education of Rp9.137 trillion; dan c. Non-Physical DAK amounting to Rp112.266 trillion, consisting of: 1. Teachers’ Professional Benefit (TPG) of Regional Civil Servants (PNSD) of Rp58.293 trillion; 2. Supplementary Fund for Teachers’ Income (DTPG) of PNSD of Rp978.110 billion; 3. School Operational Assistance (BOS) of Rp46.695 trillion; 4. Operational Assistance for Implementation (BOP) of Early Childhood Education Programs (PAUD) of Rp4.070 trillion; 5. Cooperative, SME, and Employment Management Improvement Fund of Rp100 billion; and 6. Special Allowances for PNSD Teachers in Special Regions of Rp2.129 trillion.

Moreover, the Education Budget through Financing consists of: a. National Education Development Fund of Rp5 trillion; and 2. Education Fund through Sovereign Wealth Fund of Rp10 trillion. (Center for Data and Information/ES) (MUR/YM/Naster).

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