Gov’t Imposes Tariffs on New Trans Java Sections

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 Januari 2019
Category: News
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tol-salatiga-2-640x426The Government officially imposed tariffs for six sections of Trans Java toll road, starting from Monday (21/1) at 00.00 Western Indonesian Time.

The Decree of Minister of Public Works and Public Housing on 14 January 2019 stipulates that the tariffs for class I vehicles are as follows:

  1. Ngawi – Kertosono Rp88,000;
  2. Gempol – Pasuruan Rp36,000;
  3. Porong – Gempol relocation section of Surabaya – Gempol toll road: a. Kejanan – Porong Rp3,000; and b. Porong – Kejapanan Rp6,000;
  4. Pemalang – Batang Rp39,000;
  5. Batang – Semarang Rp75,000; and
  6. Semarang – Solo Rp65,000.

Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Hery Trisaputra Zuna said that the maximum tariff for class I vehicles is Rp1,000/km while the tariff for class II and class III vehicles are 1.5 times that of class I and for class IV and class V vehicles are 2 times that of class I.

Hery also said that from 21 January, 2019 to the next two months, a 15% discount applies for long-distance toll users.

“Of the four Trans Java toll clusters, the discount applies to cluster II (Palimanan – Semarang), cluster III (Semarang – Surabaya), and cluster IV (Gempol – Grati) and does not apply to cluster I (Jakarta – Palimanan) and inner city road such as Semarang ABC and Surabaya-Gempol toll roads,” Hery explained in Jakarta, Sunday (20/1).

Hery went on to say that with the imposition of 15% discount, tariff for class I vehicles from Jakarta to Pasuruan (Grati tollgate) reduced from Rp712,500 to Rp624,500 while class V vehicles received a discount of Rp188,500.

“Discounts only apply if toll road users travel in one full cluster. For example, in cluster II, vehicles entering Palimanan tollgate will get discount if they exit through Kali Kangkung tollgate in Semarang. The discount requires readable e-toll with sufficient balance,” Herry said.

Hery further said that the Trans Java toll road from Merak to Grati Pasuruan will increase the mobility of people, goods and services, as well as reduce logistics costs and increase the competitiveness of domestic products. He added that the Toll Road network will also improve tourism industry and support local products of SMEs.

“The Trans Java toll road generates a lot of benefits for the users, including reducing travel time and vehicles operating cost as well as preventing driver fatigue,” Hery concluded.

For the record, the six toll road sections were inaugurated by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 20 December, 2018 and were free of charge for a month.

(BKP Kementerian PUPR/ES)

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Muhardi, Mia Medyana

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