Gov’t Issues Circular to Curb Online Gambling Among State Employees

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 September 2024
Category: News
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In a bid to mitigate the negative effects of online gambling, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms Abdullah Azwar Anas Tuesday (09/24) has issued a Circular Number 5/2024 on the Prevention and Handling of Online Gambling in Government Institutions.

According to the Minister, online gambling constitutes a serious violation of the law, leading to financial losses, social and psychological disturbances, and potentially encouraging other criminal behaviors. Therefore, it is undeniable that State Civil Apparatus (ASN) can also become ensnared in the vicious cycle of online gambling.

“We have issued a circular to prevent and address online gambling. Any state employees involved will face serious consequences,” the Minister said.

The Minister went on to say that online gambling crimes have reached an alarming level in the country. According to data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), the value of online gambling transactions in the first quarter of 2024 has reached Rp600 trillion.

The Minister urged government institutions to launch campaigns and initiatives to support the prevention of gambling. That way, both Central Government and regional governments are expected to conduct educational activities for state employees and non-state employees regarding the negative impacts of online gambling.

“The Personnel Development Officer (PPK) and direct supervisors are required to monitor their employees for any signs of online gambling,” he said, adding that the PPK or supervisor may reprimand or issue a warning to the individual involved once such signs are identified.

For ASNs involved in online gambling who negatively impact their work unit or agency, they may face light to moderate penalties. However, if the impact is detrimental to the State or the Government, the sanctions imposed will be severe disciplinary measures.

“For ASNs who are still suspects in ongoing online gambling investigations, disciplinary violations can be reviewed in accordance with statutory provisions,” the letter reads.

The circular also stated that for ASNs who have been named as defendants in online gambling cases, follow-up actions will be taken only after a court decision has become final and binding.

The letter also explains that if ASNs are detained as suspects or defendants in online gambling cases, the PPK is required to temporarily suspend the employee, in accordance with Article 53, paragraph (2) of Law Number 20/2023 on ASNs.

“This circular also takes firm action against non-ASN personnel involved in online gambling. Non-ASN employees found to be participating in such activities may be put into consideration [of being given unfavorable assessment] or may face termination of employment in accordance with the applicable work contract,” the Minister remarked.

Heads of Government Institutions are expected to conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation of efforts to prevent and address online gambling. Each government institutions is also advised to report their actions to Minister of State for Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms, specifically to Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

For more details regarding Circular of Minister of State for Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms Number 5/2024 on the Prevention and Management of Online Gambling in Government Institutions, please click on this link. (PR of Ministry of PANRB/DNS) (RIF/LW)

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