Gov’t Issues New Regulation on Electronic ID

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 31 Oktober 2018
Category: News
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ktpPresident Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 16 October 2018 signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 96 of 2018 on Requirements and Procedures for Population Registration and Civil Registration (link: Perpres Nomor 96 Tahun 2018).

According to the Regulation, the population registration service consists of: a. recording population data; b. issuance of Family Card; c. issuance of KTP-el (Electronic Identity Card); d. issuance of certificate of residence; and e. administration of special population registration.

The Presidential Regulation stipulates that the issuance of KTP-el for Indonesian Citizens or Foreign Residents consists of: a. issuance of new KTP-el; b. issuance of KTP-el due to migration; c. issuance of KTP-el due to data changes; d. issuance of KTP-el due to an extension for Foreign Residents who have permanent residence permits; e. issuance of KTP-el due to loss or damage; and f. issuance of KTP-el outside the domicile.

“The issuance of new KTP-el for Indonesian Citizen shall meet the following requirements: a. minimum age is 17 years old, married or has been married; and b. Family Card,” Article 15 of the Presidential Regulation reads.

The issuance of KTP-el for Foreign Residents who have residence permit shall meet the requirements: a. minimum age is 17 years old, married or has been married; b. Family Card c. Travel Documents; and d. permanent residence permit.

The issuance of KTP-el for Indonesian Citizens due to migration within area of the Republic of Indonesia shall meet the following requirements: a. certificate of migration from local civil registration office; and b. Family Card.

The issuance of KTP-el for Indonesian Citizens coming from abroad shall meet the following requirements: a. Certificate of transfer from diplomatic mission of the Republic of Indonesia; and b. Family Card.

“The issuance of KTP-el for Foreign Residents who have residence permit shall meet the requirements for the certificate of transfer,” article 18 of the Regulation reads.

The issuance of KTP-el due to data changes for Indonesian Citizens or Foreign Residents who have permanent residence permits, according to the Regulation, shall meet the following requirements: a. Family Card; b. previous Identity Card; c. permanent residence permit; and d. certificate / evidence of changes in Vital Events and Important Changes.

Extension of KTP-el for Foreign Residents who have permanent residence permit, according to the Regulation, shall meet the following requirements: a. Family Card; b. Previous Identity Card; c. Travel Documents; and d. permanent residence permit.

The issuance of KTP-el due to loss or damage for Indonesian Citizens or Foreign Residents who have permanent residence permits, according to the Regulation, shall meet the following requirements: a. police report; b. the damaged KTP-el; c. family Card; d. Travel Documents of the Republic of Indonesia or Travel Documents; and e. permanent residence permit.

The Presidential Regulation further stipulates that the recording and issuance of new KTP-el by local people registration office outside the domicile can be conducted by fulfilling the requirements: a. without changes in population data; and b. Family Card.

This Regulation also stipulates the issuance of Child Identity Card (KIA) for Indonesian Citizens or Foreign Residents who have permanent resident permits, who are under 17 years old, and have not been married.

“The KIA is issued by local civil registration office,” Article 23 paragraph (2) of the Regulation reads, while the next paragraph states that further provisions regarding issuance of KIA shall be regulated by a ministerial regulation.

“This Presidential Regulation shall apply as of the date of its enactment,” Article 83 of Presidential Regulation Number 96 of 2018 states. The regulation was promulgated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on 18 October 2018.


Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Yuyu Mulyani

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