Gov’t Issues Presidential Instruction on Tanjung Selor Development

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 November 2018
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tanjung selorPresident Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 31 October 2018 signed Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2018 on the Acceleration of the Development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor in order to accelerate the development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor as the Center of Government of North Kalimantan.

This Presidential Instruction is addressed to: 1. Coordinating Minister for the Economy; 2. Minister of Home Affairs; 3. Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas); 4. Minister of Finance; 5. Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN); 6. Minister of Public Works and Public Housing; 7. Minister of Environment and Forestry; 8. Minister of Transportation; 9. Minister of Village, Underdeveloped Regions Development and Transmigration; 10. Minister of Agriculture; 11. Minister of Communication and Informatics; 12. Minister of Energy and Mineral Recources; 13. Governor of North Kalimantan; and 14. Regent of Bulungan.

“To take the necessary steps in accordance with respective duty, function, and authority of the aforementioned parties in a coordinated and integrated way to accelerate the development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor based on the provisions of laws and regulations,” the FIRST dictum of the Presidential Instruction reads.

The President specifically instructed Coordinating Minister for the Economy to coordinate and evaluate the implementation of this Presidential Instruction on a regular basis, and report the results to the President.

The President also instructed Minister of Home Affairs to: 1. coordinate and synchronize the development planning documents from the Central Government and Regional Government regarding the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 2. simplify the policy on requirements and process of issuing permits related to the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 3. encourage Governor of North Kalimantan and Regent of Bulungan to immediately delegate the authority of the licensing authority on development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor to the Local Office of Investment Service and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPM PTSP) of North Kalimantan Province and the DPM PTSP of Bulungan Regency; 4. accelerate the evaluation of regional regulations related to Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor development permits issued by Government of North Kalimantan Province and Bulungan Regency; 5. oversee the implementation of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor development licensing process carried out by Governor of North Kalimantan and Regent of Bulungan; and 6. report the results of  the aforementioned supervision to Coordinating Minister for the Economy.

Through the Presidential Instruction, the President instructs the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) to: 1. Coordinate and synchronize all development planning documents of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor whose funding sources are in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations; and 2. Monitor the ongoing year’s development plan and evaluate the Central Development Plan on the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor.

“Minister of Finance provides budgeting support in order to accelerate the development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor, allocated from the expenditure of Ministries/Institutions, transfers to the regions, and village funds, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations,” the FIFTH dictum of the Inpres reads.

President instructs Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN) to: 1. Provide technical assistance and guidance to Bulungan Regency regarding the Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) and the Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR) of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; and 2. Facilitate the acceleration of land ownership for the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor.

The President instructs Minister of Public Works and Public Housing to facilitate the availability of urban facilities and infrastructure of public works and public housing in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

The President also instructs Minister of Environment and Forestry to facilitate the acceleration of the preparation for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) for the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor and instructs the Minister of Transportation to facilitate the acceleration of the development of transportation facilities and infrastructure for Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

The President instructed Minister of Village, Underdeveloped Regions Development and Transmigration to: 1. Facilitate the acceleration of the completion of transmigration land right of use (HPL) status into Freehold Title (SHM) as part of the development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor area; and 2. Facilitate the acceleration of the development of transmigration areas as the hinterland of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor.

The President instructs Governor of North Kalimantan to: 1. Accelerate the licensing process for the construction of the Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor through DPM PTSP; 2. Work with the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) to evaluate Regional Regulations that hinder the acceleration of the development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 3. Facilitate the acceleration of land availability for the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 4. Prioritize the regional budget allocation for construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 5. Facilitate the acceleration of Bulungan Regency Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) and the Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR) of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; and 6. Report the results of the implementation of the Inpres to Minister of Home Affairs.

The President instructs Regent of Bulungan to: 1. Accelerate the completion of review and revision of Bulungan Regency Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) and the Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR) of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor no later than 2019; 2. Synergize the development plan of Bulungan Regency in general in order to support the development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 3. Simplify and accelerate the licensing process for the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor through DPM PTSP; 4. Work with the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) to evaluate Regional Regulations that hinder the acceleration of the development of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 5. Facilitate the acceleration of land availability for the construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; 6. Prioritize the regionalbudget allocation for construction of Kota Baru Mandiri Tanjung Selor; and 7. Report the results of the implementation of this Inpres to Governor.

“This Presidential Instruction is valid for a maximum of 5 (five) years since its issuance,” the 17th dictum of the Inpres reads. The Instruction was issued in Jakarta on 31 October, 2018. (Pusdatin/ES)


Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Lulu Wuliarti

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