Gov’t Issues Regulation on Cooking Export Ban

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 29 April 2022
Category: News
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The Government has announced it has officially imposed temporary export ban on cooking oil raw materials and cooking oil.

The ban is stipulated in Regulation of Minister of Trade number 22 of 2022 on the Temporary Export Ban on Crude Palm OilRefined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm OilRefined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Olein, and Used Cooking Oilsigned by Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, Wednesday (04/27).

The temporary ban is effective from April 28, 2022 for all Indonesian Customs Areas (TLDDP) and Free Trade and Port Zone Authority, including Batam, Bintan, Karimun, and Sabang regions.

“However, for exporters who have received the registration number of export customs notification less than April 27, 2022, they can still export,” the Minister said.

In this regulation, Lutfi continued, exporters who violate the export ban will be strictly penalized accordance with laws and regulations.

Lutfi further said that if necessary, the policy will be periodically evaluated at inter-ministerial coordination under Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs.

“The basic needs of Indonesian people are the Government’s priority. This temporary export ban aims to boost the availability of cooking oil raw materials, improve cooking oil supply in the country, and lower the price of cooking oil to be affordable. It is my hope that all of us can understand the urgency of this policy and collaborate for the sake of all Indonesian people,” he remarked. (PR of Ministry of Trade/UN) (AP/EP)

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