Gov’t Issues Regulation on Transportation Control to Prevent COVID-19 Spread

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 12 April 2020
Category: News
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Ministry of Transportation has issued Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 18 of 2020 on Transportation Control to Prevent COVID-19 Spread on 9 April 2020.

“The regulation has been issued by Ad Interim Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on 9 April 2020,” Ministry of Transportation Spokesperson Adita Irawati said in Jakarta, Saturday (11/4).

In general, Adita said, it regulated three matters, namely: transportation control for all regions, transportation control for regions that implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), and transportation control for the 2020 mudik (annual exodus).

This regulation was established based on the current real condition. However, the Government will monitor the development to make possible adjustments.

“This regulation applies to passenger transportation (public and private vehicles) as well as transportation of goods/logistics. It regulates how to travel including the travel preparation, during the travel, and the post-travel or the arrival,” Adita said.

The regulation, Adita stated, is intended for both public and private vehicle passengers, operators of transportation facilities and infrastructure for land, rail, sea, and air transportation.

“The essence of this regulation is to carry out transportation control in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, while still fulfilling the needs of the community for transportation facilities, especially for those who cannot work from home and those who want to fulfill household logistics needs,” Adita explained.

One of the rules in the Ministerial Regulation controls the use of private motorcycle and public motorcycle (such as app-based motorcycle taxi) during PSBB with strict requirements in accordance with the health protocol to prevent COVID-19 transmission.

“It is required that the drivers must disinfect their vehicles before and after the use, use masks and gloves, and not experience high body temperature or sickness,” Adita said. (BKIP Kemenhub/EN)



Translated by: Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Reviewed by: Lulu Wuliarti

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