Gov’t Launches Digital Public Service Mall

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin accompanied by a number of officials attends the launch of the National Digital Public Service Mall (MPP), Tuesday (06/20), in Jakarta. (Photo by: PR of Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform)
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin Tuesday (06/20) launched the National Digital Public Service Mall (MPP) at the Vice-Presidential Palace, Jakarta.
The digital public service mall program, which is initially implemented in 21 regencies/cities, marks the beginning of the Government’s efforts to integrate digital services in the country.
“As an effort to transform the priayi (upper class) bureaucracy mentality into [a public] service bureaucracy within the framework of democracy, this digital-based public service scheme must be developed in a sustainable manner,” the Vice President said.
The Vice President added that a quality public service mall will be established if bureaucratic institutions at the central and regional levels can break down silos and increase collective awareness to integrate authority, agree on standards and types of public services, and change the working methods to be more integrated across bureaucratic institutions.
“The public service mall should be able to erase [images of] public services that are notorious for time-consuming, long queues, brokering practices, and limited-service information,” he said.
The Vice President added that the mall should not only be about physical buildings but should also ensure that integrated public service functions can run well, quickly, and comfortably.
“I call on all stakeholders at various levels to continue to innovate in the development of digital public service mall, while strengthening collaboration to ensure its implementation,” he said.
Furthermore, the Vice President explained the strategy to develop the digital public service mall.
First, the Vice President called on all ministries/institutions, regional governments, and other stakeholders to properly read the latest technology disruption that demands a change in mindset and quality of public services.
“Service digitization is not merely about changing the analog version to digital, but must also be accompanied by a change in mindset and promotion of integrated digitization,” he said.
Second, the Vice President went on, as a milestone in the transformation of digital services, the digital public service mall has to serve as a solution to the fragmentation of public services.
“The digital public service mall should be able to integrate cross-sector service business processes, service standardization, the use of easy and inexpensive information technology, and digital literacy,” the Vice President said.
Third, the Vice President also called on ministries/institutions and regional governments to strictly ensure the implementation of the pilot projects of the digital public service mall, including by expanding the coverage of basic services frequently accessed by the public.
“Pay close attention to the aspirations and feedback from this pilot and improve it from time to time,” he said.
Fourth, in a broader context, the Vice President ordered the digital mall to be aligned with steps in achieving national priority targets, such as increasing investment, eliminating extreme poverty, and accelerating stunting reduction.
“Finally, I would like to highlight the importance of the digital public service mall roadmap as a strategic aspect of the development of the national and regional Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) architecture,” he said.
Previously, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Abdullah Azwar Anas said that the digital public service mall represents a digital transformation of public services to ensure effective service delivery.
“By the directives of the President and Vice President, integration of digital services must be carried out so that all services become simple and unconfusing for the people. This great work has already begun, the President has also issued a Presidential Regulation on Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) Architecture,” Anas said.
For the record, the digital mall uses a single sign-on scheme applicable to all public service lines within the regional government. The public can access all services using only one account and only needs to upload the required service documents once.
“Simplifying business processes allows us to realize simpler, easier, and faster services,” Anas said.
These are the 21 initial regions for the digital public service mall implementation:
- Banyumas regency
- Banyuwangi regency
- Brebes regency
- Grobogan regency
- South Hulu Sungai regency
- Kotawaringin regency
- Magetan regency
- Musi Rawas regency
- Sragen regency
- Tuban regency
- Banda Aceh city
- Batam city
- Bukittinggi city
- Kendari city
- Magelang city
- Metro city
- Mojokerto city
- Samarinda city
- Surakarta city
- Tanjung Pinang city
- Yogyakarta city (BPMI of Vice-Presidential Secretariat/Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform/UN) (FI/MMB)