Gov’t Launches Disciplinary Monitoring System to Supervise State Civil Apparatus Discipline

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Januari 2021
Category: News
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The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) has established a Disciplinary Monitoring System for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) including Civil Servants (PNS) and Contract-based Government Employees (PPPK) integrated through the Integrated Discipline System (I’DIS).

“This system, which can be accessed through, must be used by agencies as part of preventive and corrective measures in handling violations of ASN management provisions, especially personnel discipline,” Acting Head of the Bureau of Public Relations, Law and Cooperation of BKN Paryono said in his written statement, Friday (22/01).

In the implementation, BKN is in partnership with Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) under the supervision of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as the supreme supervisor of ASN Management.

The establishment of the nationally integrated supervisory system is part of the BKN’s authority to supervise and control the implementation of norms, standards, procedures, and criteria for ASN management.

“The establishment of I’DIS is a technical form of implementation of the provisions of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 on Civil Servant Discipline and Head of BKN Regulation Number 21 of 2010 on Provisions for the Implementation of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010,” Paryono said.

The monitoring system or I’DIS, Paryono stated, is not only intended to supervise personnel individually but also to monitor Personnel Supervisor Officers (PPK) or officials in charge of sanctioning, in determining and imposing disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the norms, standards, procedures, and criteria for the provisions of the regulations in order to maintain justice and balance of rights and obligations.

In addition, I’DIS is designed as an early warning system in conducting supervision, especially on personnel discipline nationally and facilitating the PPK in agencies in determining and imposing disciplinary sanctions according to procedures.

“It includes minimizing subjective factors in the disciplinary procedures for personnel at their agencies because this system is integrated with the Personnel Service Application System or SAPK BKN,” Paryono said.

The development of I’DIS aims to provide standards to the Personnel Managers of each government agency in enforcing appropriate discipline in accordance with procedures and ensuring objectivity by PPK or authorized officials carrying out the disciplinary procedures.

Furthermore, it also aims to build a culture of orderly administration, implement norms, standards, procedures, and criteria for civil servant discipline and establish collaboration between personnel, supervisors, and other official elements involved in each government agency and the BKN.

This integrated supervision system becomes a new stimulus in efforts to prevent, enforce, and handle the imposition of personnel discipline that affect several matters.

Those include efficiency in the procedures of giving disciplinary sanctions; the entire procedures will be recorded in real time, integrated with the national personnel database through SAPK, and transparency during the procedures by involving supervision from various elements handling personnel disciplinary procedures.

“Including the BKN as the agency mandated by the ASN Law in the supervision and control of norms, standards, procedures, and criteria for ASN personnel management,” he added.

“The BKN is also an agency mandated by the ASN Law in the supervision and control of norms, standards, procedures, and criteria for ASN personnel management,” he said.

Previously, Minister of PANRB Tjahjo Kumolo has issued Circular Number 1 of 2021 on Enforcement of ASN Personnel Discipline in Government Agencies.

“The Circular aims to reaffirm the importance of discipline in the implementation of ASN duties,” the Circular reads.

This circular is intended to serve as a guideline for PPK in enforcing discipline for ASN personnel and reaffirming the obligations of direct superiors in fostering subordinates and sanctions for direct superiors who allow disciplinary violations to occur.

The scope of this Circular includes provisions on prevention and enforcement of discipline for ASN personnel who violate disciplinary provisions.

This Circular also stated that the implementation of disciplinary sanctions from PPK or authorized officials must utilize the I’DIS application. (PR of BKN/PR of Ministry of PANRB/UN) (FI/MUR)     

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