Gov’t Names Five Spokespersons for COVID-19 Vaccination

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 Desember 2020
Category: News
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Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine stored in the Bio Farma Head Office in Bandung, West Java. (Photo by: the Presidential Secretariat Press Bureau/Muchlis Jr)

The Government has appointed five new spokespersons for COVID-19 vaccination, according to Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G. Plate.

“The Government has appointed five spokespersons for COVID-19 vaccination, at central government level, from four institutions that handle the COVID-19 vaccine, be it vaccine procurement and vaccination,” the Minister said in Jakarta, Monday (7/12).

Those five names are as follows:

First, Wiku Adisasmito who serves as Head of the COVID-19 Task Force Expert Team, will give information on the COVID-19 vaccine based on scientific aspects and correlation with controlling the disease.

“Prof. Wiku will also deliver comprehensive notes from all related aspects in general (umbrella message) regarding the vaccine and vaccination against COVID-19 in Indonesia,” Johnny said.

Second, Reisa Broto Asmoro serves as Ambassador for New Habits Adaptation for the COVID-19 Task Force. “She will provide information related to prevention-based healthy behavior, including immunization/vaccination,” he said.

Third, the Health Ministry’s Director for Direct Infectious Diseases, Siti Nadia Tarmizi.

“dr. Nadia will provide information related to policies, vaccination program, and relations between COVID-19 vaccine and public health. In addition, she will also provide responses on issues related to vaccine and vaccination,” Johnny stated.

Fourth, the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency’s (BPOM) Director for Drug Registration Lucia Rizka Andalucia. “Ibu Rizka will provide information related to vaccine legality and licensing as well as the agency’s policies. In addition, she will also provide responses on issues related to permits, safety, efficacy, and quality of vaccines,” the Minister said.

Fifth, State-owned Pharmaceutical Company PT Bio Farma Corporate Secretary Bambang Heriyanto. “Pak Bambang will explain about COVID-19 vaccine from the logistics side and distribution throughout Indonesia,” he said.

The Government is currently preparing for the COVID-19 vaccination swiftly. A total of 1.2 million doses of vaccine produced by China’s Sinovac had arrived and a detailed scheduled for the vaccination will be announced immediately.

According to Johnny, the appointment of spokespersons from leading sectors and the assignment of a specific field of information to each spokesperson are aimed at making public information and communication dissemination more accurate, thorough and responsive.

“We hope reports on the vaccine development and vaccination against the COVID-19 that received by the public can reflect the actual dynamics happen on the ground,” he said.

He went on to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has posed a huge challenge for all elements of the society. “However, we are optimistic that the pandemic is not a stopping point, instead, it is a testing point and a leverage point for us,” the Minister stated.

Therefore, the Government will consistently carry out the 3T (testing, tracing, and treatment). However, the public must also need to be disciplined in complying with the 3M health protocols (wear a mask, keep a safe distance, and wash hands).

“With the support and optimism from all Indonesian people, let us guard and make the whole process of the COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia successful for the sake of health and economic recovery. Do protect yourself and the country, put an end to the pandemic!” he asserted. (PR of Communication and Informatics Ministry/UN)  (RIF/MMB)

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