Gov’t Nearly Completes Covid-19 Hospital Construction on Galang Island

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 31 Maret 2020
Category: News
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Construction of infectious disease facilities on Galang Island, Batam, Riau Islands. (Photo by: Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing)

The Indonesian Government through Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing announced that the construction progress of observation/isolation/quarantine facility for infectious disease mitigation, particularly the COVID-19, on Galang Island, Batam, Riau Islands Province, has reached 92%.

The construction was originally targeted to be completed on 28 March 2020, but due to constraints in the delivery of goods, including construction materials, caused by bad weather, the completion target has been shifted to 5 April 2020. The target is adjusted by considering the delay in the delivery of materials, installation of health equipment, and mobilization of medical personnel.

The facility is expected to accommodate 1,000 beds. In Phase I, two 2-story buildings were built to accommodate 340 beds that are prioritized to be completed in advance; 240 beds for people in monitoring (ODP) and 100 beds for patients under supervision (PDP). The 340 beds are in non-ICU facilities, while there are also 20 beds in ICU facilities. The remaining 640 beds will be completed in phase II.

The Government transformed 20 out of 80 hectares of a former camp for Vietnamese refugees as well as a development area located 60 km from Hang Nadim Airport and 56 km from Batam City, into facilities.

The construction is divided into 3 zonings. Zone A (former refugee camp renovation) covers supporting buildings such as mess buildings for officers, doctors, and nurses, sterilization buildings, pharmaceutical buildings, nutrition buildings, laundry, warehouses, and powerhouse.

While Zone B includes storage facilities and supporting facilities such as isolation rooms, observation rooms, laboratories, sterilization rooms, GWT, central medical gas systems,  mortuary facilities, helipads, and utility zones.

In addition, near the main facilities will also be equipped with exam rooms, mobile x-ray storage rooms, laboratory rooms, kitchens, clean water facilities, wastewater installation, drainage, garbage dump, and other utilities.

The entire work took place under the supervision of the Riau Islands Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) and Directorate General of Cipta Karya.  Acting as the contractors were PT. Waskita Karya and PT. Wijaya Karya, while the Construction Management Consultant was PT. Virama Karya.

Based on the Coordination Meeting between the Ministry, the Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI), the SOE Contractor, and Construction Management Consultant on Sunday, 29 March 2020, the furniture will enter the former camp facility starting on Sunday, 29 March 2020. The TNI will also start to place medical officers on Wednesday, 1 April 2020. (BKP Kementerian PUPR/EN)



Translated by: Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Reviewed by: Yuyu Mulyani

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