Govt Opens Up Selection Process for Hajj Officers

The Selection for Central Hajj and Umrah Officers at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, Thursday (4/4). (Photo By: Ministry of Religious Affairs)
Directorate General for Hajj and Umrah of Ministry of Religious Affairs has opened up a selection process for Central Hajj Officers.
The process is a crucial step that must be taken to achieve a successful hajj management this year, Director General for Hajj and Umrah Nizar Ali said when opening the event at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, Thursday (4/4).
On that occasion, Nizar explained that Hajj Management received a very high satisfaction rate last year, adding that the performance of hajj officers became one of the highest contributors to the index. It is important for us to be more selective in selecting officers to support the national program, he said.
For the record, there were 381 candidates from several Government institutions participating in the selection process. The participants come from the following institutions: Secretariat General of Ministry of Religious Affairs (56 candidates), General Inspectorate of Ministry of Religious Affairs (32 candidates), Directorate of Islamic Guidance (35 candidates), Directorate of Islamic Education (33 candidates), Research, Development, and Training Agency of Ministry of Religious Affairs (24 candidates ), the Indonesian National Defence Forces (50 candidates), the Indonesian National Police (43 candidates), other institutions and agencies (54 candidates), and the Media Center (54 candidates).
In the meantime, there are several stages of the selection that must be passed by each candidate, namely Computer Assisted Test (CAT) on hajj, national insights, fluency in Arabic and English, and other general knowledge. The CAT method is intended to create transparent, objective, and accountable selection, Director of Hajj Development Khoirizi said.
On the next stage, the candidates will be interviewed on their commitment, integrity and professionalism. The successful candidates will attend a 10-day training regarding the position they are applying for. (PR of Ministry of Religious Affairs/EN)
Translated by: Syarifah Aisyah
Edited by: Ridwan Ibadurrahman/M. Ersan Pamungkas