Gov’t Provides Integrated Services for Migrant Workers

Photo by: PR of Ministry of Manpower
Ministry of Manpower has announced it has rolled out forty five one-stop integrated services (LTSA) to provide quick, easy, affordable, and safe services for prospective migrant workers, as well as improve protection for the workers and their families.
“The LTSA is part of our efforts to provide protection for our migrant workers and prospective migrant workers, starting from the place of origin until when the workers return home,” Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said during an inspection to the LTSA in Central Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara province, Friday (19/02).
According to Ida, the LTSA consists of seven main desks, namely the manpower desk, the population and civil registry desk, the immigration desk, the health desk, the Police desk, the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (social security for workers) desk, and the BP2MI (Agency for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers) desk. Apart from the seven main desks, there is also an additional desk, namely the banking desk.
The Minister also said that her Ministry has built six LTSAs in West Nusa Tenggara province, namely in Central Lombok, East Lombok, West Lombok, Sumbawa, Bima, and one LTSA at the provincial level.
“The Central Lombok LTSA is one of the LTSAs that received an award from Ministry of Manpower in 2019. The LTSA provides integrated services, including the passport issuance,” Ida said, adding that the LTSA also aims to integrate various agencies at the central and regional levels.
“I think the joint commitment from the Central Government, regional governments, Regency/City governments and Village governments is imperative for migrant workers protection” she said.
Ida further said that the integrated services for migrant workers offered by the LTSA can streamline procedures for migrant workers and prevent them from resorting to illegal ways to get access to the services. (PR of Ministry of Manpower/UN) (RI/EP)