Gov’t Provides International Standard COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate

Ministry of Health has issued international COVID-19 vaccine certificate in accordance with the WHO standards.
The Ministry’s Chief of Digital Transformation Office Setiaji stated that the form and information listed on the certificate has been adjusted to the WHO standards including its QR code. Hence. The certificate can be read and recognized abroad.
The certificate can be used by Indonesian international travelers (PPLN) and Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to prove that they have received complete primary vaccinations.
One of the uses of this international certificate, according to Setiaji, is for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. However the certificate will only function as a health document and travelers are still required to comply with the health regulations and protocols applied in each country.
The type of vaccine accepted in each country also depends on the policy of each country.
Furthermore, Setiaji said, the international certificate issued by the Ministry can be accessed via PeduliLindungi application through these steps:
1. Get the latest version of PeduliLindungi application.
2. Open the app and log in with a registered account.
3. Go to “Vaccine Certificate” menu.
4. In the “Overseas Travel Certificate” section, click the “+” icon.
5. Select the name of the user for whom you want to create the certificate for, click next.
6. Choose the destination country, clicl next and confirm.
7. Certificate is successfully created and activated, click “View Details”.
To view the QR code or download the certificate, you can go to the “Vaccine Certificate” menu and select the name of the user for which the certificate has been created. (PR of Ministry of Health/UN) (FI/LW)