Gov’t Provides Telemedicine Service for Omicron Self-Isolation Patients

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 26 Januari 2022
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Ministry of Health on behalf of the Government provides telemedicine services for patients infected with the highly transmissible Omicron variant in self-isolation.

The services that can be accessed on cover teleconsultation and free medicines.

In providing telemedicine services, Ministry of Health has a cooperation with 17 healthcare platforms, among others, Aido Health, Alodokter, GetWell, Good Doctor, Halodoc, Homecare24, KlikDokter, KlinikGo, Lekasehat, LinkSehat, Mdoc, Milvik Dokter, ProSehat, SehatQ, Trustmedis, Vascular Indonesia, and YesDok.

Procedures to get telemedicine services are as follows:

1. Patients must take PCR test at a laboratory affiliated with the Ministry of Health’s New All Record (NAR) system. If the test shows a positive result, the laboratory will submit the result to the Ministry’s database of COVID-10 cases (NAR). Afterwards, the patients will receive an automatic WhatsApp message from the Ministry. In case the patients do not receive the message, they can check their identity card number on

2. After receiving the notification through WhatsApp message, patients can have online consultation with a doctor from one of 17 platforms providing telemedicine services free of charge by clicking on the link stated in the WhatsApp message from the Ministry of Health or on the link provided after patients input their identification card number on and input a voucher code on the application they have chosen. After online consultation, doctor will give medical prescription in a digital form based on symptoms of each patient. The prescription can be filled by each patient through Those eligible for medicines and/or vitamins are patients registered in the database of the Ministry of Health as patients in self-isolation (asymptomatic and mild cases).

3. Medicines and vitamins that will be provided by the Ministry are as follows:

a. Package A (for asymptomatic patients) consists of multivitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and Zinc) @10 tablets; and

b. Package B (for patients with mild symptoms) consists of Multivitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and Zinc) @10 tablets, Favipiravir 200mg @40 capsules or Molnupiravir 200 mg @40 tabs and paracetamol 500mg (if needed).

Note: medicines and vitamins that are not included in the package must be filled outside the telemedicine services. For the time being, this program is only applied in Greater Jakarta area for patients aged 18 and more. (Ministry of Health/UN) (RAS/EP)

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