Govt Redevelops Infrastructure in Coastal Areas

Fishermen village in Kampung Beting, Pontianak. Photo by: Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
The Government, through Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, is completing redevelopment projects of fishermen villages in Bengkulu and ten other areas in Indonesia.
“Five of the projects are located at Kampung Beting in Pontianak, Kemuning River Area in Banjarbaru, Untia Fishermen Village in Makassar, Dufa-Dufa Region in Ternate, and Hamadi Fishermen Village in Jayapura,” Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono said in a press release, Thursday (21/2).
“Indonesia has a large number of coastal areas, so the redevelopment of the 11 regions will become a benchmark for Regional Governments to revitalize coastal areas,” Basuki said, adding that infrastructure development in fishermen village, waterfronts and coastal slum area is carried out by involving Regional Governments and local communities.
“The scope of the project includes construction and repairment of local roads, promenades, drainage, public open space, public sanitary, gazebo, jetties, bridges, street light, pedestrians, and talud-tablero,” Basuki added.
He went on to say that gradual redevelopment at Kampung Beting was carried out in 2017-2018 with budget of Rp79.18 billion. The project is integrated with redevelopment of Kapuas River banks in Tambelan Sampit.
The redevelopment project is also carried out in a 2.03-hectare Kemuning river area located in Banjarbaru with budget of Rp3.95 billion, while in Makassar the project is carried out in a 10-hectare Untia fishermen village to provide clean water network system and rainwater drainage.
In Ternate, the project has transformed Dufa-Dufa slum area to a new tourist attraction with good road conditions, sidewalks, chairs and sea dikes strengthening. The Rp8.5-billion funding for the project was allocated from the 2017 State Budget.
Basuki also stated that the project at Hamadi fishermen village has been carried out since 2017, with budget of Rp49.46 billion, by constructing concrete roads to provide access to fish market and tourist destination.
The Minister further said that the redevelopment project for fishermen villages and waterfront villages is not only providing physical infrastructure but also involving the public to maintain cleanliness to improve local health condition and local economy. (BKP KementerianPUPR/ES)
Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Mia Medyana