Govt Sets 10 Priority Programs

The Opening of the 2017 National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas), at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, on Wednesday (26/4)
The Government has set the target of economic growth within the range of 5.4%-6.1%, or at 5.6 percent in 2018 as it was mentioned in the 2018 Government Work Plan (RKP).
Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro, at the opening of the 2017 National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas) at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, on Wednesday (26/4), said that the target will encourage the Government to look for sources as economic growth booster.
The Minister added that there are six main sectors contributing to the economic growth, namely processing industry particularly non-oil and gas sector, agriculture, trade, information and communication, and financial services.
However, in 2018, the development will be focused on three priority sectors: processing industry, agriculture, and tourism. In addition, consumption and investment should remain the keys to boost the economic growth, Bambang said.
Bambang also added that the Government has set the development theme in the 2018 RKP, which is Stimulating Investment and Infrastructure for Growth and Equity”.
The theme, which emphasizes on investment and acceleration of infrastructure development, is expected to be the driver of economic growth in 2018 and will reduce inequality among the people as well as among the regions.
Moreover, Bambang added, the 2018 RKP has been agreed on 10 National Priorities, comprising: 1. Education; 2. Health; 3. Housing and Settlements; 4. Business Development and Tourism; 5. Energy Security; 6. Food Security; 7. Poverty Alleviation; 8. Infrastructure, Connectivity, and Maritime; 9. Regional Development; and 10. Politics, Law, Defense, and Security.
The 2018 RKP also mentioned special priorities, namely Asian Games and Asian Para Games, Bambang firmly said.
According to the Minister, Ministries/Institutions will cooperate with Regional Governments to meet the 10 National Priorities targets in an integrated manner by stipulating Activity Programs and Priority Projects, as well as its implementation areas. (FID/ES) (RA/MMB/YM/Naster)