Govt Starts Construction of Simpang Indralaya-Muara Enim-Lubuk Linggau Toll Road

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing together with Minister of Transportation attend the signing of PPJT Agreement and Construction of Toll Road, in Muara Enim, Tuesday (9/4). (Photo: Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing)
The Indonesian Government on Tuesday (10/4) began the construction of Simpang Indralaya-Muara Enim (119 km) toll road and Muara Enim-Lubuk Linggau (114,5 Km) toll road.
The toll road is expected to finish in December 2022 and will be connected with the Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu toll road whose construction began last month.
(Meanwhile), the Bakaheuni-Palembang toll road (350 Km) which will be operated this June will bring maximum benefits once it is connected with the Palembang-Bengkulu Section (351 Km) said Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono on the signing of the Toll Road Concession Agreement (PPJT) and the Declaration of Construction of the two toll roads, in Muara Enim, Tuesday (9/4).
Basuki also encouraged regional governments in the surrounding regions to begin the construction of access roads to industrial and tourism destinations. The construction of toll roads is one of the national strategic projects aimed to help regional governments to the peoples economy in the regions, said Basuki, adding that the speed of completion of toll road construction also requires the role of regional governments in carrying out land acquisition.
The Government will also provide more opportunities for the local communities to run business in the toll road rest area, Basuki added.
In the meantime, Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Danang Parikesit said the two toll roads are part of the Governments plan to build 24 toll roads in Sumatra. The land acquisition process will begin in April 2019 from the Simpang Indralaya – Prabumulih section, he added.
The toll road, with an investment value reaches Rp47.89 trillion, will has 6 interchanges, namely Sp. Indralaya, Prabumulih, Muara Enim, Lahat / Merapi, Musi Rawas and Lubuk Linggau. We urge regional governments in the surrounding areas to prepare local economic potentials because the area around the interchanges will be the centers of new economic growth, Danang explained.
According to him, the new toll road will cut Palembang-Muara Enim travel time from 4 hours to 1.5-2 hours, while Palembang-Bengkulu will only be 4 hours drive.
Meanwhile, Governor of South Sumatra Herman Deru said that the Simpang Indralaya-Muara Enim-Lubuk Linggau toll road will further open the economic potential of South Sumatras plantation, agriculture, mining and tourism.
This is like a dream come true (to have toll road in the region). The project is expected to facilitate connectivity, particularly to shorten travel time of Palembang-Muara Enim, which initially needs 12 hours to drive, he said. (Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing/EN)
Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Edited by: M. Ersan Pamungkas