Gov’t to Build Waterfront City in Manado’s Malayang Beach

Mockup of the Manado-Bitung-Likupang Waterfront City development (Photo by: Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing)
In a bid to make tourism industry one of Indonesia’s economic growth drivers, the Government has renewed its committment to continue providing its support for ten National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) known as ” the New Bali”, including Manado-Bitung-Likupang in North Sulawesi Province.
In accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2016, the Government provides its support in the Manado-Bitung-Likupang development projects, including in improving water resource facilities, roads, bridges, residential infrastructure, as well as the supply of housing units.
The total budget that will be used for the Manado-Bitung-Likupang development this year reaches Rp520 billion, higher than that in the previous year at Rp187 billion.
According to Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, the Ministry carried out integrated infrastructure development to improve national strategic areas, including its tourism, barns, industry, rural areas, and metropolitan cities.
“The Government has planned infrastructure development in an integrated manner, which covers the arrangement of areas, roads, raw and clean water supply, waste management, sanitation, as well as residential improvement through an infrastructure development master plan,” Basuki said.
For the record, the 2020 State Budget will be allocated for the development of Malalayang Beach tourism area in Manado City, which is near to Bunaken, Tomohon-Tondano, and Bitung-Lembeh areas.
The Government has also designated Malalayang Beach as a Public Beach Promenade along 1.2 kilometers by prioritizing the increase in the configuration of the city’s public spaces that stretch along the beach. It is expected to become a waterfront city, which will make a beautiful scenic of the city facing the beach.
In addition, the Government is also set to designate Malalayang Beach Promenade as a beach walk and a pluralistic activity space for residents. The visitors can walk to enjoy the panoramic view of the beach between the trees or just sit by the beach and do some exercise.
At some spots, the promenade will be designed with landmark buildings that make the area more attractive, including cultural space – which is an open theater -, several pier towers with traditional Manado building designs, kiosk towers, and docks as markers for regional gates and Green Tunnel Corridor conserved along promenades for car and motorcycle riders.
The Malalayang Beach is settled on the edge of the Trans Sulawesi road, which is 21.2 km from Sam Ratulangi Airport, 8 km away from the center of Manado City and 66.2 km from Paal Beach.
The potential attraction of Malalayang Beach include the historical bantiknese stone Batu Lrana (the footprints of Minahasa ancestors Opo Posumah and Dotu Kaburoi), as well as a green tunnel and panoramic views of the beach along 1.2 km.
The Malalayang Beach itself is also home to several existing landmarks that also need development handling, including Tugu Bobocha and Pier Spiritual.
The development of the Bobocha Monument is carried to support the promenade beauty and its local wisdom in the shape of the Sea King Fish is also expected to become an interesting regional landmark.
The Government will also provide several kiosks in Malalayang Beach promenade for the sake of the traders in the region. There will be 48 kiosks established in 2 units of tower and dock kiosks and 36 kiosks in 2 units of floating stalls. (Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing / EN)
Translated by: Syarifah Aisyah
Reviewed by: M. Ersan Pamungkas