Gov’t to Complete Construction of Margatiga Dam in Lampung Province by End of 2021

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 8 Juli 2021
Category: News
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Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing

Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing aims to complete the construction of Margatiga Dam in Lampung province, by the end of 2021.

Currently, the construction progress has reached 75.05 percent.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing BasukiHadimuljono said that the management of water resources and irrigation will continue to support sustainable agricultural production.

“Thus, the construction of a dam, that is followed by the construction of irrigation networks, which is built at a large cost, is beneficial because we can ensure the water to flow to the farmers’ fields,” the Minister said, as quoted from the Ministry’s website, Thursday (08/07).

The Margatiga Dam owns a capacity of 42.31 million cubic meters downstream of the Way Sekampung River and is projected to irrigate 16,588 hectares of land. In addition, this dam can also be utilized as a provider of raw water in East Lampung regency at 0.80 cubic meters per second.

The dam, which started to be built in 2017, is an embankment type with a height of 28.75 meters, a peak length of 321.76 meters, and a peak width of 7 meters. The dam has an inundation area of ​​2,222.08 hectares.

For the record, In Lampung province, apart from the Margatiga Dam, the Way Sekampung Dam in Pringsewu regency is also being built, with a capacity of 68 million cubic meters.(PR of Ministry of Works and Public Housing/UN) (FI/LW)

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