Gov’t To Conduct Teacher Certification To Support Revitalization of Vocational Schools

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 26 Mei 2017
Category: News
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Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, and Minister of Education and Culture pose for a group photo with the representatives of bussines sectors in the launching of Revitalization of Vocational Schools at Manahan Stadium, Surakarta, on Friday (26/5)

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, and Minister of Education and Culture pose for a group photo with the representatives of bussines sectors in the launching of Revitalization of Vocational Schools at Manahan Stadium, Surakarta, on Friday (26/5)

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani appreciated Minister of Education and Culture and its officials for the launching of revitalization of Vocational Schools program.

With this program, Puan believes that there will be link and match or synergy between schools and industry as well as business world.

“Currently, the data showed that 63 percent of Indonesian workforces are only junior high school or even primary education graduates,” Puan said when distributing the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and lauching the revitalization of Vocational Schools program at Manahan Stadium, Surakarta, on Friday (26/5).

Puan reminded all that human resources competency plays a great role in the economic development or the nation’s progress. Therefore, a qualified Vocational School graduates should be supported with the improvement of teacher’s and educator’s qualities.

However, Puan admitted that Indonesia faces a serious shortage of teachers who can support the vocational program. Thus, there will be a teacher certification to improve the quality of teacher and improve the number of technical teachers to assist the revitalization program.

Also on that occasion, Puan excused President Jokowi’s absence from that event.

“We were asked by the President to present on his behalf today. President Jokowi actually wanted to be present on this auspicious occasion, but he had to do an important task in Jakarta. Thus, he assigned us to attend this event,” Puan explained.

Previously, Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy in his report said that 219 Vocational Schools will be revitalized this year. They are consisted of 125 Vocational Schools majoring in priority sectors, such as maritime, tourism, agriculture, and creative industry sectors, and 94 Vocational School majoring in areas that support the national priority programs.

According to the Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2016 on the Revitalization of Vocational Schools, the Vocational School is expected to occupy 4 priority sectors, namely agriculture, maritime, tourism, and creative industry.

For that reason, Muhadjir extended his gratitude to the business sectors which take part in the implementation of revitalization of Vocational Schools by supporting the vocational development, such as Prama Sanur Beach Hotel Bali, PT Catur Mitra Kulina, PT Sapta Indra Sejati, PT PLN (State-owned Electricity Company), Hotel Furaya Pekanbaru?, and Kompas TV. (FID/EN/ES)(RA/ MMB/YM/Naster)

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