Gov’t to Continue Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Several Provinces

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 Januari 2019
Category: News
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Temporary Shelters in Palu, Central Sulawesi. Photo by: Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

Temporary Shelters in Palu, Central Sulawesi. Photo by: Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

The Government through Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing continues to conduct reconstruction of public facilities and houses damaged by disasters in the provinces of West Nusa Tenggara, Central Sulawesi, Banten and Lampung. The reconstruction process is carried out by considering specific conditions of each region under the principle of “build back better”.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono made the statement during a hearing with West Nusa Tenggara, Palu, and Lampung Disaster Management Supervisory Team of the House of Representatives (DPR) led by Deputy Speakers of the House Fahri Hamzah and Fadli Zon in Jakarta, Wednesday (23/1).

During the meeting, Basuki said that the Government is currently rebuilding damaged public facilities in West Nusa Tenggara. Out of 1,317 buildings damaged by the earthquake, 1,230 buildings have been verified to be repaired.

“Ministry of Public Works and Public Works handled 517 public facilities, 332 of them have been completed, and 145 buildings are under construction. The remaining 713 public facilities are built by other parties such as CSR (of the business entities), communities, and other organizations,” the Minister said.

Basuki added that the reconstruction of damaged houses is carried out in mutual cooperation involving community groups (Pokmas) with Rekompak (Community-based Settlement Rehabilitation and Reconstruction) model.

For the record, the National Agency for Disaster Mitigation (BNPB) confirms that 75,138 houses were severely damaged by the quake and 74,092 of them have been verified by Regent.

In the reconstruction period, there are 3,873 people who chose Healthy Modest Instant House (RISHA), 7,832 people chose Wood Instant Houses (RIKA), 6,318 people chose Conventional Instant Houses (RIKO), 56 people chose Indonesian 3D Printed Houses (RCI), and 333 people chose Simple Steel Instant Houses (RISBA).

In building earthquake-resistant houses, the communities are supported by facilitators. As of today, there are 766 facilitators available, including the Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. In addition to that, the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) will provide 1,500 more facilitators.

Basuki went on to say that the reconstruction process in Palu, Donggala and Sigi in Central Sulawesi Province is carried out by relocating residents’ dwellings, especially for settlements affected by tsunamis and liquefaction. He added that form 699 temporary shelters (Huntara) targeted, 691 of them have been built in 72 locations, of which 231 units have been completed and 26 units have been occupied. All temporary shelters are expected to be completed no later than the end of February 2019.

“Our responsibility is to provide shelter, while the residential process will be further regulated by the Regional Government,” Basuki explained.

Basuki further said that reconstruction period in South Lampung and Banten will use relocation concept to rearrange spatial planning of several settlements located near shoreline in Pandeglang and Lampung.

For the record, a total of 558 housing units in South Lampung Regency were reported to be severely damaged, while in Pandeglang there were 714 heavily damaged housing units.

Also present during the event were Director General of Housing of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Danis H. Sumadilaga, Head of the Disaster Management Task Force of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing A. Gani Gazali, Head of Central Sulawesi Disaster Management Task Force of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Arie Setiadi Moerwanto, and Head of Public Communication Bureau Endra S. Atmawidjaja. (BKP Kementerian PUPR/EN)

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Mia Medyana

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