Gov’t to Contribute at National Strategic Projects for the People: President Jokowi

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 9 Juni 2016
Category: News
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President Joko Widodo delivers a remarks during the signing of several national strategic projects on Thursday (9/6), at the State Palace, Jakarta

The Government will contribute to address the problems in the implementation of several national strategic projects for the people’s interest.

The statement was made by President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo in his remarks during the signing of several national strategic projects contracts, including Batang Power Plant project, toll roads projects connecting Manado and Bitung in North Sumatra, Pandaan and Malang in East Java, as well as toll road connecting Balikpapan and Samarinda, on Thursday (9/6), at the State Palace, Jakarta.

“We need to do it to anticipate once unstable electricity in 2019 hits more regions. It is because the electricity needs will increase in coming years and if we cannot solve the problems of deficiency in electricity, investors who intend to invest in Indonesia will think the Indonesian Government is not capable of solving the problems,” the President explained.

The Government has now solved the problems; hence the President asked investors not to withdraw their investments in the projects.

“Carry out the project in 3 shifts and it must be finished in 2019 as estimated. I will follow up the development of the projects, I will check the condition on the ground 2 to 3 times. I ensure you that I will monitor such important projects,” the President said, adding that meeting the electricity needs is not only intended for big and medium-sizes industries, but also small-sized industries in villages as well as for the children who study at night.

“We often forget that the problem in regions is when children cannot study at night because of the electricity outage. Do not take it lightly because the children will be demotivated in study if the electricity is unstable,” the President added.

On that occasion, the President also mentioned the problems in toll road projects. There are several projects that have already begun but the land acquisition process obstructs them.

Some of the problems related to the Government including the road track that will traverse the plantation or forest conservation, while others relating to the people.

Those are small problems but if the Government cannot see the real condition on the ground, then the problems cannot be solved. Though the problems are small, the Government cannot give instruction because they have not seen the real condition on the ground.

“Once they know about the real condition, they will be able to give instruction to solve the problems. Today, the national strategic projects have been signed, and the guarantors of the projects have been decided, I think I only need to wait the projects to be finished,” the President said.

Before conducting a working visit, the President always prepare several answers to Governors, public figures, and people’s questions including the estimated completion date of a project.

“I would not dare to conduct a working visit unless I have the answers to those questions and solutions to some problems. Therefore, I can answer people’s questions,” President Jokowi added.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi also expressed his gratitude to the Governors who are contributed to the construction of Manado – Bitung, and Pandaan – Malang Toll Road projects.

“Without their assistances, the problem will be hard to solve,” the President stated.

I have instructed the Governors to call me once a problem arises, for example, when the payment for land acquisition process is late because I believe that every project faces problems, including the toll road, seaport, power plant, and airport projects. However, we must address the problems, not only macro-, but also micro-problems, the President said.

“You must also coordinate with Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing to solve the problems. Insya Allah, the problems will be solved,” the President requested.

President Jokowi noted all not to take project contract signing as a ceremony only. Because the work does not stop when the contracts being signed.

“I will follow up the work progress on the ground and hopefully people can receive direct benefits from the projects,” the President concluded. (FID/DNK/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)

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