Govt to Disburse Compensation to Families of Injured, Dead Election Officers

Head of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Abhan answers questions from reporters after visiting one of died election officers’ house at Duren Tiga, Pancoran, South Jakarta, Tuesday (30/4). (Photo: Bawaslu PR)
The Government through the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) will distribute financial compensation and award certificates to the 2019 election officers who passed away or sustained injuries while on duty based on an official letter by Minister of Finance Number S-317 / MK / 02/2019.
“The compensation budget request has been approved by Ministry of Finance so that the Government can begin to make immediate disbursement,” Head of the Bawaslu Abhan said after paying a visit to the house of one of the deceased election officers at Duren Tiga, Pancoran, South Jakarta, Tuesday (30/4).
According to him, the distribution will be carried out simultaneously throughout the country on Thursday (2/5). The Bawaslu also invited several representatives of the recipients to come to Jakarta.
“I hope this incident will never happen again in the future,” Abhan added.
For the record, until Sunday (28/4) the election supervisors who died have reached 72 people spread across 23 provinces, while 305 people were hospitalized and 889 people are receiving outpatient medical treatment.
In addition, data from the General Election Commission (KPU) until Tuesday (30/4) recorded that 318 Polling Stations Working Committee (KPPS) officers have died and 2,232 are sick due to fatigue in carrying out their duties during and after the elections.
In a letter dated 25 April 2019, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani agreed to provide financial compensation of Rp36 million per person for deceased election officers, Rp30.8 million for permanent disability, Rp16.5 million and Rp8.25 million for seriously and moderately injured officers respectively. (Bawaslu Public Relations/ES)
Translated by: Syarifah Aisyah
Edited by: Estu Widyamurti/Muhardi