Govt to Disburse PKH Funds to 10 Million Families

Head of Public Relations Bureau of Ministry of Social Affairs Hafifah Insari on thematic forum of Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) at Aryaduta Hotel, Jakarta, on Wednesday (12/9). (Photo by: Heni/Public Relations Division).
In order to pursue the target of reducing poverty to 7-8 percent as stipulated in the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the Government will disbursed the funds of Aspiring Family Program (PKH) to 10 million beneficiary families in 2019.
To achieve the target is not easy. However, the BPS (Central Statistics Agency) data as of September 2017 showed that poverty level has dropped to 10.12 percent, Head of Public Relations Bureau of Ministry of Social Affairs Hafifah Insari said in her remarks during thematic forum of Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) at Mezzanine Ballroom of Aryaduta Hotel, Jakarta, on Wednesday (12/9).
Hafifah said that driving factors that contribute to the declining poverty rate are well-maintained inflation rate, increase of labor wages as well as integrated poverty alleviation programs.
She further said that this goal needs a joint commitment. Handling poverty is a joint assignment that requires mutual synergy to develop the existing potential in every Government institution and to materialize mutual prosperity.
The PKH program, according to her, is a form of conditional social assistance from the Government disbursed to the poor. The beneficiaries of the program are ranging from pregnant women, families who need help for their childrens school fees, to the elderly.
Meanwhile, the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) aims to improve the nutrition of people living in poverty. The beneficiaries are those who include in the 25 percent of households with the lowest socio-economic status in the region, she said.
Hafifah expressed her hope that they wisely make use of the assistance, so it can improve their health, education and welfare.
Also attending the event were Expert Staff of Minister of Communication and Informatics Gugun Siswadi, Head of Sub-division of Social Protection and Security of Ministry of Social Affairs Endah Sulistyaningsih, Head of Finance Division of the Directorate General of Poverty Handling of Ministry of Social Affairs Sugiarto, and representatives of Ministries/Government Institutions public relations. (HEN/ES) (GWH/MMB/Naster)