Gov’t to Improve Connectivity in Morotai Island

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Februari 2020
Category: News
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Road construction on Morotai Island. (Photo by: Documentation of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing)

The Government has announced Morotai Island as part of ten National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) in the country and a plan to improve connectivity between tourist destinations in the island.

Morotai Island is considered as one of the outermost and frontier islands in Indonesia’s border areas that boasts natural and cultural wealth, including a number of favorite destinations such as Dodola Beach, Zum-Zum Island, and Trikora Museum.

Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has completed the construction of new toll roads and bridges on the 201.89 km Morotai Ring Road with a budget of Rp273.86 billion last year.

In addition, the construction is one of National Strategic Projects (PSN) in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 56 of 2018.

According to Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, accessibility and connectivity improvement of the road infrastructure aims to provide smoothness, safety, security, and convenience to visitors who will travel to several tourist sites in the island.

“Road access improvement will support local economy in the tourism area,” the Minister said.

In the meantime, the Ministry’s Directorate General of Bina Marga has conducted several Morotai Island Ring Road sections, including 6 km of Sofi-Wayabula road construction at a cost of Rp32 billion and preservation of roads in city ​​boundary between Daruba – Daeo / Sangowo – Bere Bere – Sofi – Daruba – Wayabula along 195.29 km at a cost of Rp10.43 billion.

Furthermore, the construction and replacement of six bridges with a total of Rp231.43 billion that consist of 152 meters and 7 meters length of Bere Bere-Sofi roads, 125.80 meters of 1st Sofi-Wayabula bridge, 100 meters of 2nd Sofi-Wayabula bridge, 87 meters of Sofi- Wayabula 3rd, and 125 meters of Sofi-Wayabula 4th. All infrastructures on Morotai Ring Road have been completed to 100 percent.

For the record, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has allocated around Rp787.8 billion from the period of 2015-2018 to support the improvement of Morotai Island connectivity.

The availability of road infrastructure in stable condition is expected to increase connectivity, accessibility, and mobility in the area to speed up travel time and to reduce transportation costs which can affect logistical costs.

Morotai Island is also known as a Special Economic Zone (KEK) that is connected to Pitu Airport as well as Daruba and Wayabula Port. Improving the quality of the island connectivity will support regional economic development, including the tourism sector in North Maluku.

The road connected between Wayabula-Sofi region is expected to encourage the plan to designate Morotai Island as a trading gateway in the country or as a logistics center in the border region.

The connectivity will also provide a great opportunity for Morotai Island as a center of Pacific area trade activity as well as an economic center in Eastern Indonesia in the future. (BKP Ministry of PUPR / EN)



Translated by: Syarifah Aisyah
Reviewed by: M. Ersan Pamungkas

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