Govt to Issue New Regulation for “On-line Ojek”

President Jokowi answers questions from the journalists after meeting with online ojek drivers at JI Expo, Kemayoran , Jakarta, Saturday (12/1). Photo by: Jay/PR.
The Government will provide legal base for online transportation, according to President Joko Jokowi Widodo.
“We have issued Regulation of Minister (of Transportation) Number 118 of 2018 and are still drafting (new regulation) for online ojek in 2018,” the President told the journalists after meeting with online ojek drivers at JI Expo, Kemayoran , Jakarta, Saturday (12/1).
“The most important thing is that this job provides employment for a lot of people,” President Jokowi said, adding that the Government will also monitor implementation of the regulation.
The President went on to say that the Regulation should benefit all parties, including the company, the drivers and the public.
“We will provide discretion through a ministerial regulation, which will be issued as soon as possible, the President concluded. (RAH/EN)
Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Mia Medyana