Govt to Launch Isi Piringku Campaign to Tackle Stunting

Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister responds to reporters’ questions after a Limited Meeting on the issue of stunting, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Thursday (5/4). (Photo by: Public Relations Division/Jay)
The number of infants who suffer from stunting or improper growth throughout Indonesia is estimated to reach 37.2 percent or about 8 to 9 million children. In other words, this means that four out of ten children are stunted, with the largest percentage is found in the eastern part of the country.
“Our data shows that East Nusa Tenggara province and West Sulawesi province report the highest number of stunting cases, while Jakarta and the island of Bali are quite safe. Java also sees high prevalence of stunting, especially in West Java given that it is a densely populated province,” Minister of Health Nila F. Moeloek told reporters after a Limited Meeting on ways to tackle stunting, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Thursday (5/4).
Nila stressed that stunting becomes the Governments concern because those suffering from stunting will give birth to children who will also suffer from stunted growth, so that it will become a circle. Therefore, the Minister affirmed that intervention through health and food provision is not enough.
“Similarly, specific nutritions, such as nutritious food provision, iron, Taburia – a multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) for children aged 6 months to 5 years – and the like, as well as access to clean water, sanitation, and transportation are highly needed. So, a sensitive intervention needs to be done amongst relevant ministries,” Minister Nila added.
Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani added that the Government has already set a map of which the ministries/institutions should be responsible for stunting interventions in the future. “What is needed is, of course, sanitation, toilets, and community movement for healthy living,” Puan said.
She went on to explain that in the near future the Government will also launch the Isi Piringku (fill up my plate) campaign, which is traditionally known as 4 sehat 5 sempurna (literally means 4 healthy 5 perfect, referring to daily food of every family in Indonesia should consist of rice (carbohydrate), vegetables (fiber), meat (protein), fruit (vitamin) plus milk).
However, it now follows the changes of times so that the daily food is served with local products from 34 provinces that are tailored to the condition of each province,” Puan said, adding that how to do exercise, healthy living behavior, washing hands with soap, and others will also be included in the campaign.
“So, we will develop an integrated action plan so that this year’s stunting intervention will be conducted throughout Indonesia. But, we will focus on 100 regencies with a total of 1,000 villages. Next year, we will increase the number to 160 regencies with 1,600 villages,” Puan concluded. (FID/ES) (MUR/EP/YM/Naster).