Gov’t to Prepare People Disabilities to Work at Industries

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 Desember 2018
Category: News
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Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto and Minister of Social Affairs Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita signs MoU in Jakarta, Thursday (27/12). (Photo by: Ministry of Industry PR).

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto and Minister of Social Affairs Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita signs MoU in Jakarta, Thursday (27/12). (Photo by: Ministry of Industry PR).

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Social Affairs have agreed cooperate to improve competence and readiness of people with disabilities to work in industries.

The commitment of the two ministries was materialized in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Training, Certification and Job Placement for Persons with Disabilities by Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto and Minister of Social Affairs Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta, Thursday (27/12).

“In 2019, we se the target of 72,000 people taking part in the 3in1 Training Program (Training, Certification and Job Placement),” Airlangga said, adding that the Training Program will be implemented in January 2019 and one training batch will last for three weeks.

Airlangga also expressed belief that this cooperation will able to reduce unemployment and promote economic growth.

“Our economic development is encouraged to be inclusive, meaning that it also has to be friendly with our people with disabilities. We also encourage them to become new industrial entrepreneurs,” he added.

in the meantime, Minister of Social Affairs Agus Gumiwang said that the synergy between two ministries is a concrete manifestation of the presence of the state for people with disabilities as stated in the Nawa Cita (nine agenda).

“The Government continues to facilitate various support programs to provide greater employment opportunities for people with disabilities, ranging from training, certification, recruitment, to placement of workers,” he said, adding that this is in accordance with Law Number 8 of 2016 on People with Disabilities.

“The regulation is to recognize, protect and fulfill the rights of people with disabilities in Indonesia. In addition, it is stated that private companies must employ at least 1 percent of people with disabilities from the total number of their employees,” Agus said.

In the meantime, Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI) Gufroni Sakaril welcomed the cooperation of the two ministries.

“This (MoU) has become a means and a solution to provide employment for people with disabilities in the industrial sector. This program is also expected to serve an example for other ministries, such as Ministry of State-owned Enterprises and Ministry of Manpower to improve the skills of people with disabilities,” Gufroni said.

For the record, the scope of this MoU includes exchange of data and information, implementation of education and training, work placements in industrial companies, and development of other institutional cooperation related to the implementation of the duties of each party.

Meanwhile, based on the contents of the MoU, the duties and responsibilities of Ministry of Industry include determining the type of education and training to be carried out for people with disabilities, implementing education and training for people with disabilities, conducting competency certification, and facilitating work placements in industrial companies.

In the meantime, the duties and responsibilities of Ministry of Social Affairs include providing data on the skills of people with disabilities, implementing recruitment of education and training participants, and provide facilities and infrastructure including the implementation of education and training.

Both ministries are also determined to carry out joint socialization of policies and programs in the MoU. The term of this MoU is valid for two years since it was signed, while monitoring and evaluation will be carried out once a year.

In the first phase of implementation, people with disabilities will be participating in the 3in1 Training Program to be prepared to work in the footwear and garment industry. There are already seven footwear industries that will employ them, namely PT Wangta Agung, PT Ecco Indonesia, PT Young Tree Industries, PT Widaya Inti Plasma, PT Inti Dragon Suryatama, PT Bintang Indokarya Gemilang, and PT Aggio Multimax. Meanwhile, Intima Globalindo, Mataram Tunggal Garment, Pan Brothers Group, Ungaran Sari Garments, and Sritex Group will accommodate the training participants on the garment industry. (Humas Kemenperin/EN)



Translated by: Galuh Wicaksono
Edited by: Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas

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