Govt to Provide Compensation for Injured, Died Election Officers

Polling stations working committee (KPPS) officers are counting votes as seen at one of polling stations. (Photo: IST)
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati has sent a letter number S-316 / KMK.02 / 2019 to Head of the General Election Commission (KPU) regarding compensation to the polling stations working committee (KPPS) officers who died or fell ill during and after general elections due to fatigue and exhaustion.
The compensation is valid from January until the end of their service in accordance with the Decree/ contract, Sri wrote.
Secretary General of the KPU Arief Rahman Hakim explained that the amount of compensation are vary, starting Rp8 million for injured, Rp16.5 million for seriously injured, Rp30.8 million for permanent disability and Rp36 million for those who died.
In the letter dated 25 April 2019, the Minister also stressed that the implementation of the provision must follow the principles of fairness and propriety, and the availability of the budget (for elections).
The whole process to be carried out professionally, free from corruption with no conflict of interest, and guided by the applicable legal provisions,” Sri said.
Data from the KPU until Monday (29/4) at 8 a.m. recorded that a total of 2096 KPPS officers from 34 provinces have died and 2,151 people are sick due to fatigue in carrying out their duties during and after the elections. (*/ICE)
Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Edited by: Mia Medyana