Gov’t to Rehabilitate 10,000 Schools This Year

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 Februari 2020
Category: News
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School Infrastructure Rehabilitation (Photo: Ministry of PUPR)

In a bid to support the Government’s focus on human capital development, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing last year rehabilitated educational infrastructure at state schools, madrasah (Islamic religious schools), and universities, as well as sports infrastructure & facilities.

In details, the Ministry announced it has 1,679 schools, including 179 Islamic religious schools (madrasah) and elementary to high school buildings by using the 2019 fiscal year budget.

According to Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, President Jokowi has ordered the Ministry to accelerate the construction and rehabilitation of 10,000 schools this year that consist of state schools and Islamic religious schools across the country.

“This is a great responsibility. Ministry of Public Works should sharpen the program with a focus on capital expenditure so that the people could receive benefits. For that reason, higher output quality should be obtained in terms of spending the State Budget,” the Minister said.

For the record, the rehabilitation of schools and Islamic religious schools will be executed by Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through Directorate General Cipta Karya at the Center for Educational, Sports and Market Infrastructure Development (PSPPOP) by referring to Presidential Regulation Number 43 of 2019 on Development, Rehabilitation or People’s Market Renovation, Higher Education Infrastructure, and Elementary and Secondary Education Units.

The State Budget for educational facilities, markets, and sports facilities reconstruction at Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing amount to Rp5 trillion last year, and it was recorded that as many as Rp3.8 trillion was allocated for state school rehabilitation and Rp769.1 billion for madrasas.

The Minister also said that Ministry of Public Works and Public Works has cooperated with a number of relevant ministries regarding schools and madrasas rehabilitations, among others Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, as well as Ministry of Religious Affairs, adding that the Government also plans schools rehabilitation program this year.

In the meantime, Head of the Center for Educational Infrastructure Development, Sports and Markets Iwan Suprijanto mentioned a number of rehabilitated schools criteria for the next two years under the Decree of Minister of Village Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Number 126 of 2017 on the Establishment of Priority Villages, adding that schools and madrassas that become the priority to be handled are those in the 3T areas (Outermost, Outermost, and Disadvantaged). (BKP Ministry of PUPR / EN)



Translated by: Syarifah Aisyah
Reviewed by: M. Ersan Pamungkas

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