Gov’t to Start Palu Reconstruction in January Next Year

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 Desember 2018
Category: News
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Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro answers questions from the journalists after attending the Plenary Cabinet Meeting at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (5/12). Photo by: JAY/PR.

Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro answers questions from the journalists after attending the Plenary Cabinet Meeting at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (5/12). Photo by: JAY/PR.

The reconstruction of quake-hit Palu is set to begin in January next year, according to Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro.

Bambang said that the master plan for Palu reconstruction is expected to be completed by January or February next year and the reconstruction will be implemented immediately after that.

“The temporary shelters are expected to be completed by the end of December and the reconstruction program will start after the shelters are completed,” he told reporters after attending the Plenary Cabinet Meeting at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (5/12).

Bambang went on to say that the master plan for the reconstruction would be supported by the experts from Japan, who are well-experienced in building houses in earthquake-prone areas, soil liquefaction-prone areas, or tsunami-prone areas. The reconstruction master plan will make sure that the new residential area will be free from tsunami and land liquefaction, he added.

“We have to make sure that the new residential area is really safe,” Bambang said, adding that the progress of master plan development has run smoothly. The minister also expressed hope that there will be no mistakes that will hamper the development of the master plan. (RAF/JAY/ES)


Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Ersan Pamungkas

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