Govt Translators Must be Creative, Deputy Foreign Minister Says

Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents and Translation Eko Harnowo gives souvenirs to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir on a visit to Ministry of Foreign Affairs Education and Training Center, Friday (22/3). (Photo by: Jay/PR)
After visiting the Indonesian National Library, the participants of First Level Functional Translator Education and Training Class VIII of 2019 visited Ministry of Foreign Affairs Education and Training Center in Jakarta on Friday (3/23) and were welcomed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir.
On this occasion, the Deputy Minister told the participants about the creation of Functional Translator Official. The establishment of the position was deemed necessary in order to meet the Presidents needs of a translator team,” he said.
As time goes by, Fachir continued, the Government thinks that translators are also needed in all ministries/institutions as well as in regional governments.
Fachir, who also previously served as Head of the State Documents and Translation Bureau of Ministry of State Secretariat, reminded Government Translators to be able to communicate the interests of their institutions and help their communication with the outside world. So, it is not just translating speech scripts, he said.
Furthermore, the Deputy Minister also proposed to place these Translators in public relations or international cooperation department in order to maximize their potentials.
(As a Translator Functional Officials), you must have broader knowledge and be more creative so that you can expand your institutions international cooperation, he concluded. (AIT/JAY/ES)
Translated by: Galuh Wicaksono
Edited by: Mia Medyana