Gov’t Will Take Actions Against Anarchic Taxi Drivers

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Maret 2016
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Luhut Taksi

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan instructed all parties to restrain themselves and asserted that he will take actions against anarchic drivers involved in the demonstration of taxi drivers in Jakarta, yesterday (22/3).

“I asked (the protesters) not to conduct sweeping. We will also take firm actions if they act anarchically,” Luhut said in a press conference at the Ministry of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Jakarta, on Tuesday (22/3) afternoon.

Luhut admitted that demonstration is a constitutional rights of every citizen. However, he asserted that it must be in line with the regulations, including to have permit to conduct demonstration, not using violence, take place from 6. a.m. to 6 p.m in some places (in front of the State Palace, Bundaran HI (Hotel Indonesia Roundabout), and People’s Consultative Assembly/House of Representatives (MPR/DPR).

On that occasion, Luhut believes the National Police has done the right actions to lower the anarchy of the protesters. “As many as 83 people were questioned and investigated by the Police,” Luhut said.

Jakarta Police Deputy Chief Brig. Gen. Nandang Jumantara added that those who were questioned and arrested by the Police conducted sweeping and are suspected using violence in the protest. Nandang said that the investigation process is still ongoing.

On that occassion, Luhut Pandjaitan also said that technology is advancing so fast and it has not been anticipated by the prevailing laws. “We did not foresee the overhead cost of online application-based transportation modes can be cheaper. There is nothing wrong with it, but I just can not imagine the technology changes so fast. We do not know the impact to conventional business in the next 5 years,” Luhut said.

Asking whether the Government will revise Traffic and Land Transportation Law (UU LLAJ) or not, Luhut reminded that it is not easy, and it will take one or two years.

Therefore, Luhut added, Minister of Transportation as well as Minister of Communication and Informatics will meet soon to find a solution to this matter. Luhut will also arrange a meeting between the management of online application-based transportation and conventional transportation.

The Government, Luhut stated, wants equal requirements for both transportation modes. “The President instructed all to be fair, both transportation modes must be in a form of business entity, must pay tax, and must have a permit,” Luhut said.

Regarding the demand of protesters that asks the Government to temporarily close the online application, Luhut said that it will not solve the problem. “If we close the application now, it will create more uproar. It will not solve anything, the solution is not that simple. Be patience, it takes time,” Luhut concluded. (RMI/ES)(RAS/MMB/YM/Naster)

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