Halal Bihalal among Officials of Presidential Institutions

Vice Cabinet Secretary Ratih Nurdiati accepts congratulations of Eid al-Fitr on halal bihalal among officials of the Presidential Institutions, at Ministry of State Secretariat Office, Jakarta, Thursday (21/6) morning (Photo: Rahmat/Human Relations Division).
After public holiday and collective leave for 12 days, officials of the Presidential Institutions, Jakarta, held a halal bihalal (mutual begging of pardon) gathering after Eid al-Fitr 1439H/2018, at Ministry of State Secretariat Office, Jakarta, on Thursday (21/6) morning.
Halal bihalal was attended by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno and his wife Siti Faridah, Chief of Presidential Staff Moeldoko, Vice Cabinet Secretary Ratih Nurdiati, and echelon I officials of Ministry of State Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, and Office of Presidential Staff.
Officials ranging from staff, echelon IV, echelon III, and echelon II of Ministry of State Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Office of Presidential Staff, Military Secretariat, Presidential Secretariat, and Presidential Special Staff were in line to shake hands with the high ranking officials.
Following shaking hands, Indonesian food such as bakso (meatballs), soto Kudus (kind of soup), tekwan (fish ball soup), siomay (steamed fish dumpling), lontong opor (boiled rice cake cooked in coconut milk), es doger (coconut milk-based shaved ice), and the like were served.
Also presented on halal bihalal were Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support Yuli Harsono, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Farid Utomo, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Economic Affairs Agustina Murbaningsih, and Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Maritime Affairs Satya Bhakti Parikesit. (MAY/RAH/ES) (EPI/YM/Naster)