Head of BIN Candidate, President Jokowi Mentioned He Has Considered Sutiyoso Track Record

President Jokowi stints amid the bustle of the wedding procession ceremony of the eldest son, Gibran, in his residence in Solo, on Wednesday (10/6).
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) claimed to have considering the record of accomplishment and competence before appointing Lieutenant General (ret) Sutiyoso as head of the National Intelligence Agency replaces Lieutenant General (ret) Marciano Norman.
“I’ve also been through a lot of consideration and attention to both the track record and competence of Mr. Sutiyoso,” President Jokowi said, at his residence in Solo, Central Java, on Wednesday (10/6).
Sutiyoso filing, actually in accordance with the mandate of Act Number 17 Year 2011 on State Intelligence, in particular article 36.
President Jokowi describes the considerations in the filed of Mr. Sutiyoso as head of BIN, because the track record in the field of intelligence and the military.
President believes, Mr. Sutiyoso experience in the army, intelligence, and civil will greatly help his new assignment as head of BIN, especially in the early detection of threats to security and stability.
Facing the challenge of the nation, which is increasingly complex, further Jokowi, Indonesia needs a professional intelligence apparatus and work with modern ways accordance with the provisions of the law.
In addition he served as Governor of DKI during two periods, Mr. Sutiyoso also been a Military Resort Commander Bogor (the best), Kasdam Jaya, and, Pangdam Jaya.
With a complete experience, President Jokowi hope that the quality of the intelligence we are getting developed. “I hope that the House of Representatives gives due consideration to the proposal,” President Jokowi said.
President Jokowi expects that the House of Representatives does not refused the proposal because he has been through lot of consideration before deciding to choose Mr. Sutiyoso. “I hope not rejected because it was through a lot of consideration,” Ppresident Jokowi said.
As reported earlier, President Jokowi appointed Sutiyoso to lead of BIN, not long after General Gatot Nurmantyo filed as a candidate for the TNI Commander. The leadership of the House of Representatives has accepted the nomination latter of Mr. Sutiyoso in order to be implemented immediately the fit and proper test. (ES)