Health Minister Issues Circular on Health Care Facilities Licensing during COVID-19 Pandemic

A screenshot of Health Minister Circular Number HK.02.01/MENKES/455/2020.
Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto has issued Circular Number HK.02.01/MENKES/455/2020 on Licensing and Accreditation of Health Care Facilities, and Establishment of Teaching Hospitals During COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Circular aims to strengthen support and cooperation of relevant ministries/institutions, regional governments, health care facility accreditation agencies, and health care facilities in the implementation of licensing and accreditation of health care facilities, and the establishment of teaching hospitals during COVID-19 pandemic.
Health Care Facilities Licensing:
- In the event that the extension process of the expired operational license for hospitals, community health centers, clinics, health laboratories, and blood transfusion centers is constrained by COVID-19 pandemic, the operational license is declared in force until 1 (one) year after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster.
- Hospitals, community health centers, clinics, health laboratories, and blood transfusion centers that have submitted applications for operational license to the central/regional governments for the first time, and have been constrained by COVID-19 pandemic, are granted operational license which is valid not later than 1 (one) year after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster.
- Hospitals, community health centers, clinics, health laboratories, and blood transfusion centers as referred to in number 1 and number 2 must provide a written statement of commitment for the operation of health care facilities, which can be used as a requirement for cooperation with the Social Security Agency for Health Care (BPJS Kesehatan), business entities or other institutions.
- The written statement, in accordance with the format attached in Form 1, is submitted to the central government/regional governments.
Accreditation of Health Care Facilities:
- Preparation and accreditation survey for hospitals and health laboratories begin after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster.
- Hospitals, community health centers, clinics and health laboratories that have obtained accreditation certificates:
- The expired accreditation certificates for hospitals, community health centers, clinics and health laboratories, before and after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster, are still valid until 1 (one) year after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster.
- Heads of hospitals, community health centers, clinics, and health laboratories should provide a written statement of commitment to maintain and improve the quality of the health care facilities. The statement can be used for: 1) cooperation with the Social Security Agency for Health Care, business entities or other institutions; and/or 2) extending operational licenses for health care facilities or upgrading hospital class.
- Hospitals, community health centers, clinics and health laboratories that have not obtained accreditation:
- Hospitals, community health centers, clinics, and health laboratories should provide a written statement of commitment to maintain and and improve the quality of the health care facilities that is valid no later than 1 (one) year after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster.
- The written statement can be used for: 1) cooperation with the the Social Security Agency for Health Care, business entities or other institutions; and/or 2) extending operational licenses for health care facilities or upgrading hospital class.
- The written statement, in accordance with the format attached in Form 2, is submitted to Ministry of Health via email no later than 1 (one) month after the issuance of the Circular.
- Hospitals, community health centers, clinics and health laboratories must implement standard operating procedure in delivering services to maintain quality and patients safety.
Establishment of Teaching Hospitals:
- In the event that the extension process of the expired license for teaching hospitals is constrained by COVID-19 pandemic, the license is declared in force until 1 (one) year after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster.
- Hospitals that have submitted applications for teaching hospitals license for the first time, and have been constrained by COVID-19 pandemic, are granted license as teaching hospitals which is valid no later than 1 (one) year after the Government revokes the status of COVID-19 national disaster.
- The hospitals as referred to in number 1 and number 2 should provide a written statement of commitment to fulfill the standards of teaching hospitals, in accordance with the format attached in Form 3. The written statement is submitted via google form:
Ministry of Health and regional health offices should provide guidance and supervision of services in hospitals, community health centers, clinics, health laboratories, and blood transfusion centers, to maintain quality and patients safety. (Public Relations of Ministry of Health/EN)
Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Mia Medyana