Health Minister: Save Children from Stunting

A number of participants join Stunting Prevention Campaign at the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout on Sunday (16/9). (Photo by: Health Ministry)
Minister of Health Nila Farid Moeloek, on Sunday (16/9), attended a campaign titled “Stunting Prevention is Crucial at the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout, greeting the participants whether they are aware of what stunting means.
“Stunting arises from chronic malnutrition, resulting in a dwarf brain. This means that stunted children have poor cognitive abilities,” Nila said.
Nile went on to explain that stunting is a failure of growth, adding that Indonesia must be stunting generation free. Therefore, prevention of stunting is of particular importance.
“Indonesia is a fertile land, so its generation must be healthy, no more stunting,” Nila firmly said.
For the record, Basic Health Research data (Riskesdas, 2013) shows that four out of ten children (37.2%) suffer from stunting.
In another part of her remarks, Nila advised parents as well as prospective parents to understand how to prevent stunting, particularly through dietary habits, parenting, and sanitation.
“Dont forget to consume protein for pregnant women and feed your children with nutritious food,” Nila said.
In addition, specifically for pregnant women, Nila reminded them to always maintain their pregnancy, one of which is by fulfilling the nutritional needs of children since the first 1000 days of life.
“Since the fetus grows in the womb (270 days) for up to two years of life (730 days), with exclusive breastfeeding, complementary food for breastfeeding,” Nila explained, adding that the society is also expected to always implement healthy life by exercising regularly, eating more vegetables and fruits, and conducting periodic health checks.
Also attended the event were Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko and Deputy for Health Improvement Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Sigit Priohutomo. (Bureau of Communication and Public Service of Minister of Health /EN) (MUR/MMB/YM/Naster).