Health Ministry Launches ‘SatuSehat’ Platform

Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin (Photo: PR Office of Cabinet Secretariat / Rahmat)
As an effort to provide better health service through digital transformation, Ministry of Health has launched Indonesia Health Services (IHS) as a platform of transformation and data integration of national health services called ‘SATUSEHAT’ at Raffles Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday (07/26).
“Today, we officially present SATUSEHAT as the name of Indonesia Health Services which is a platform of integration and standardization of health data services in Indonesia,” Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said.
SATUSEHAT is one of the Ministry’s efforts in transforming health services through digitalization. It is a platform of data connectivity, analysis, and services to support the integration of inter-applications and health facilities.
With this platform, patients do not need to fill new form when transferred to other health facility. Through SATUSEHAT, patients can also gain information on his/her health condition more transparently because hospital medical record is safely documented in a digital system under the data owner’s consent.
“It is in line with the plan made by Indonesian Ministry of Health in transforming PeduliLindungi application to social health application. So, the benefit will be more improved, from initially handling the pandemic to becoming something bigger,” Minister of Health explained.
Ministry of Health’s Chief of Digital Transformation Office (DTO) Setiaji elaborated that this integration platform has been through a long process, starting from planning, polling of experts, to alpha and beta testings with participants coming from various institutional backgrounds, such as hospital, laboratory, health-tech, pharmacy, private clinic, practitioner and academician.
“This platform has been tried to 41 government vertical hospitals at alpha testing phase and is currently tried at beta testing phase involving 31 institutions from different backgrounds,” Setiaji said.
Setiaji emphasized that various aspects in every process of building this platform have been thoughtfully considered by Ministry of Health, starting from the technology, regulation, system security, privacy, to other supporting aspects. It is conducted to ensure the sustainability of the system up to the protection of individual private data.
At the launching event, a live demo was performed to show the integration process of patients’ data through the integration of SATUSEHAT with Management Information System belonging to a hospital or a laboratory and PeduliLindungi application.
“We will show that by using this platform, checking the patient’s journey becomes faster when the patient is getting health care services at the hospital or health check services at the laboratory,” Setiaji said.
Setiaji explained that currently there are 16 health facilities which are already integrated with SATUSEHAT. Fourteen of them are participants of alpha testing phase, comprising of 10 regional general hospitals (RSUD) in Jakarta and 4 vertical hospitals owned by Ministry of Health.
From beta testing phase, there are two institutions which are already integrated with SATUSEHAT, namely PT Jasamedika Saranatama (RSJP Paramarta) and PT Kimia Farma Diagnostika. Additionally, there are two other government hospitals that are currently in development phase and will be integrated soon.
“Hopefully, by the end of 2022, there will be 8,000 health facilities integrated with SATUSEHAT and all health facilities are targeted to be integrated in 2023,” Setiaji concluded. (PR Office of Ministry of Health/UN)(AW/MUR)