Here is Perppu No. 2 of 2014 That Eliminate the Authority of DPRD to Select the Head of Local Government

By Humas     Date 14 Oktober 2014
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Here is Perppu No. 2 of 2014 That Eliminate the Authority of DPRD to Select the Head of Local Government

Related with the enactment of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 1 of 2014 on the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors which order that local elections conducted directly by voters, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on October 2, 2914 also published the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2014 on Local Government.

In the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2014, duties and authorities of the Provincial House of Parliament (DPRD) are: a. Form the Provincial Regulation together with the governor; b. Discuss and approve the draft of Provincial Regulation on Provincial Budgets which is proposed by the governor; c. Carry out supervision on the implementation of Provincial Regulations and Provincial Budget; and d. Propose the appointment and dismissal of the governor to the President through the Minister of Domestic Affairs to have approval of the appointment and/or the dismissal.

In addition, the Provincial House of Parliament also has duties and authorities namely: e. Provide opinions and considerations to the Provincial Government on international agreements programs in the Province; f. Give approval on the international cooperation plans that are undertaken by the Provincial Government; g. Request the accountability statement reports of the governor on the Provincial administration; h. Give approval on cooperation plan with other region or third party that may burden the society and the Provinces; and i. Carry out other duties and authorities that was set out in legislation.

The duties and authorities of the Regency/City House of Parliaments are : a. Form the Regulation of Regency/City together with the regent/major; b. Discuss and approve the draft of Regulation of Regency/City on Regency/City Budgets which is proposed by the regent/major; c. Carry out supervision on the implementation of Regulations of Regency/City and Regency/City Budget; d. Propose the appointment and dismissal of the regent/mayor to the Minister of Domestic Affairs through the governor as a representative of the Central Government to have approval of the appointment and/or the dismissal.

Besides of that,  the duties and authorities of the Regency/City House of Parliament are: e. Provide opinions and considerations to the Regency/City Government on international agreements programs in the Local Area; f. Give approval on the international cooperation plans that are undertaken by the Regency/City Government; g. Request the accountability statement reports of the regent/major on the Regency/City administration; h. Give approval on cooperation plan with other region or third party that may burden the society and the Regency/City; and i. Carry out other duties and authorities that was set out in legislation

“This Government Regulation in Lieu of Law comes into force on the date of enactment,” reads Article II  Government Regulation in Lieu of Law which was enacted on October 2, 2014 by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Amir Syamsudin. (Polhukam/DP)

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