HMI Proposes Reforms in Security System to Counter Radicalism, Terrorism

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 5 Oktober 2018
Category: News
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President Jokowi attends the opening of HMI Leadership Education and Training, at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday (5/10). (Photo by: Jay/Public Relations Divison)

President Jokowi attends the opening of HMI Leadership Education and Training, at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday (5/10). (Photo by: Jay/Public Relations Divison)

In a bid to counter radicalism and terrorism in the country, Executive Board of the Islamic Student Association’s (HMI) invites all relevant stakeholders to rebuild and strengthen security system reforms.

The call is one of the nine ideas titled the Nine People’s Demands (Senturi) proposed by General Chairman of HMI Saddam Al-Jihad before President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the opening of the 2018 HMI Education and Training at Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday (5/10) afternoon.

“One constructive idea relating to security system reforms is how to counter radicalism and terrorism, which can be done together with stakeholders of the nation and the state,” Sadam said, adding that HMI also puts emphasis on the importance of youth government.

“It aims to challenge the youths to actively and positively contribute to the sustainability of the nation and the state in the future,” he added.

For the record, the Nine People’s Demands are as follows:

  1. maintaining tstability of the rupiah exchange rate by involving stakeholders and emphasizing that Indonesia does not owe to the IMF and the World Bank; 2. Strengthening security system reforms to counter radicalism and terrorism; 3. Reviewing policies relating to the recruitment of foreign workers to strike a balance between foreign and local workers; 4. Supporting the Government to strengthen energy sovereignty towards foreign companies in Indonesia; 5. creating food holding in Indonesia so that food sovereignty can be maintained by the Indonesia’s food sustainability; 6. emphasizing the Government to enforce the rule of law and human rights both at the Corruption Eradication Commission, the Attorney General Office and the Indonesian National Police to safeguard the unity of the Republic of Indonesia; 7. improving education for all to improve the quality of Indonesia’s human capital for the creation of nation’s character building; 8. prioritizing sustainable infrastructure development, and 9. encouraging the creation of an open government for the sake of public information disclosure in every government institution and political system.

Also present on the occasion were Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Mayor of Bogor Bima Arya, and Bogor Regent Nurhayanti, as well as a number of HMI executive leaders. (DNA/JAY/ES) (MUR/EP/YM/Naster)

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