Home Affairs Minister: Commit Corruption is an Individual Case

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 27 September 2017
Category: News
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tjahjo_doorstop_ktp_el_1-300x200The Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo disproved the assumption that many regional heads getting involved in recent corruption cases are as the result of the high cost they incurred during the direct regional head elections. According to Minister Tjahjo, corruption case is an individual case that has nothing to do with the implementation of the direct regional head election system.

“The one responsible for the corruption case is the related individuals. They do not commit an act of corruption alone, but various parties get involved in it. There are subordinates who mislead, so is the third party as well,” Minister Tjahjo said.

Minister Tjahjo’s statement is in response to a number of regional heads who get involved in various corruption cases and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named them suspects. They include Governor of Bengkulu Ridwan Mukti, Pamekasan Regent Ahmad Syafii, Tegal Mayor Siti Masitha Soeparno, Batu Mayor Edi Rumpoko, Cilegon Mayor Tubagus Iman Ariyadi, and Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasari.

Minister Tjahjo considered that the direct regional head election system has been on the track since the elected figures are known and directly elected by the people. The issue now is, how people elect the candidates who have integrity and good track records.

When it comes to the possibility of changing the direct regional head election system, Minister Tjahjo said that the Government is also unlikely to change the implementation of the regional head elections through indirect mechanisms because the laws and regulations must be amended first. “It takes years to amend the law. I think the system is already on the track. This is what the people wish. (The regional heads are) directly elected by the people,” Minister Tjahjo said.

Regarding the selection in the political parties, Minister Tjahjo is reluctant to link it. According to the Minister, there are a number of political parties which conduct a rigorous selection process to candidates to be nominated in the regional head elections. (Information Center of the Ministry of Home Affairs/ES) (MUR/YM/Naster).

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